B-26K Gascogne texture

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A couple of really first-rate textures of a French B-26K have been posted recently. I downloaded them and compared them with those within a B-26K file I have in the hangar. The bitmap names are all the same with the exception of the gun and spinning prop bitmaps, which are both dds files. I replaced them with matching files from the B-26K folder, made the relevant entries in the aircraft config and transferred it to the active FS9 installation. Before doing so I checked the properties on the new bitmaps against those of the bitmaps already in the B-26K folder in the hangar. Properties match. What I'm getting is the aircraft's nacelles, pylons, interiors and tail surfaces coming through fine, but the wings and fuselages are grey. Is there a reason these particular textures on the aircraft are greyed out when the balance of the aircraft comes through fine?:confused:
Some must not be supported, as you say, Milton. I saw this file and had a go... same results. Initially I just replaced the prop and gun textures with the originals from the B-26K, Got the prop and the guns to show up in FS9, but the wings and fuselage are grey. I thought that the paint should have worked fine since everything else was in bmp format.

I have the DXTBMP Texture Utility tool... I may play around a bit.

That's the ticket! The wings and main fuselage textures are 2048X2048, most of the other bitmaps are 1024X1024.

Converting the textures to 1024 should allow the model to show up in FS9. I did notice that there are some invisible or transparent bits as well as the wing and fuse issues being grey.
I tried to run the wing and fuse texture bmp's through the texture configuration editor (DXTBMP) and I wasn't able to bring the size down any. Obviously a different utility is needed here.

Too bad however, it's a really nice repaint.

Gentlemen, you have given things a spirited try and I thank you for the effort. I will retain the textures in the aircraft file on the off chance someone will eventually convert them.:salute:
Gentlemen, you have given things a spirited try and I thank you for the effort. I will retain the textures in the aircraft file on the off chance someone will eventually convert them.:salute:

Which one do you need converted? I have PSP9, Photoshop CS and DXTBMP. I won't get it done overnite but I can get it done in a week or so.

At the moment, it appears to be the wing_t.bmp and the fuse_t.bmp within the texture folder. All of the others appear to be DXT3 or some other format. The "spinprop.dds" can be swapped out for the "spinprop.bmp" from the original. The wing and fuselage are 2048X2048, all else seems to be 1024 or smaller. No rush on my account, no worries. :salute:

Thanks for looking at this, Dave

WarHorse47, That's a neat looking hanger in one of your attachments. Is it in any RW12 object folders? If so, would you mind pointing me in the correct direction to obtain it? Can never have too many scenery objects for your projects...


WarHorse47, That's a neat looking hanger in one of your attachments. Is it in any RW12 object folders? If so, would you mind pointing me in the correct direction to obtain it? Can never have too many scenery objects for your projects...


It's actually part of freeware KPWT Bremerton scenery by Mark Smith and Mike Apsey. Just search for KPWT at FlightSim, and look for the FS9 versions. Part of the package includes some military parking areas and this hangar.

It's actually part of freeware KPWT Bremerton scenery by Mark Smith and Mike Apsey. Just search for KPWT at FlightSim, and look for the FS9 versions. Part of the package includes some military parking areas and this hangar.:ernae:

Thank You...
Clikck! Dang!

Noticed the title for this thread yesterday - Aha a B-26 Marauder I thought! nice but, well perhaps another...day/year/life?

I saw Milton was kindly helping out around here...project switch...mid air? Naah, he doesn't do that!
Then I 'saw' for for the first time, the 'K' bit. Dang!

Invader, Douglas Invader, Douglas B-26K (A-26) Counter Invader!!!

So it was 'Special K' for breakfast with full cream and plenty of sugar.

Beautiful looking pics there Warhorse.

I agree, that's a nice looking hangar. Soon you'll be able to extract it with Object Manager, and put it at your place. :jump:
The "K" model is one of my favorites which motivated me to convert and add the new Gascogne textures.

The only mystery to me is the textue mapping of the antenna on the upper part of the fuselage just behind the cockpit. If you look closely at my pics, the antenna is white. It's the sme for all "K" textures, so I assume that that part of the model is not mapped to any texture.

I once read a thread on this same issue, but am not sure if it was ever resolved - or if all "K" models had white antennas.

Anyways, thanks for the comments.
LOL Oh the mysteries we modelers bury within. :)

I have to apologize for that. These models often end up with 800-1200 parts and when you have to map and texture them all, one tends to apply general mapping and textures to these items.

Happy that you got it sorted out. :applause:
LOL Oh the mysteries we modelers bury within. :)

I have to apologize for that. These models often end up with 800-1200 parts and when you have to map and texture them all, one tends to apply general mapping and textures to these items.

Happy that you got it sorted out. :applause:
Half the fun of this hobby (for me) is the reverse engineering and trying to figure out the logic of the developers and painters.

One more thing has me curious. Was there ever a "K" model with rockets for the pylons? Wish I had the skills to do that.
From 95 to 99 my wife and I lived in HI. The property manager for our rental home was a retired USAF LtCol whose career spanned from WWII to the end of the Vietnam War. He spent it all in recips, from Stearman trainers to all the MATS recip transports. He also flew single-engine recip aircraft including T-28s. One of his good friends was BG Heinie Aderholt (recently deceased). Someone should make a movie about that guy's life.

At any rate - our property manager flew B-26s in Korea. I remember him telling me about flying around the mountains in Korea at night depending on a stopwatch and compass to make his turns and keep from getting a faceful of rock. He was pulled from MATS into the USAF Jungle Jim project due to his B-26 experience and dealt extensively with the aircraft as they were removed from D-M, refurbed and sent to Vietnam the first time. They were then returned to CONUS for storage. Later the USAF made the decision to send them back in to Vietnam as interdictors, esp. over the HCM Trail. He told me he was present at Hurlburt Field, FL when one of the resurrected B-26s was being put through its paces in front of some AF brass and the pilot, a friend of his, pulled the wings off it right in front of the committee. That was why the others were sent to On-Mark for such an extensive rebuild, and became "K" models. As I recall him saying, these were relatively low-time aircraft that had originally been to Vietnam as a part of Jungle Jim, had then been brought back to D-M, and were then being tested prior to redeployment back to Vietnam. Going to On-Mark for the extensive rebuild was at least in part the result of his friend's death. I think about our PM when I see this aircraft.
That's quite the story, SSI01, thanks for sharing. I remember watching a program on the History Channel (I believe) about the A-26/B-26 planes and their service from World War 2 to Vietnam. Alot of those airframes were pretty tired by the time they were pressed into service in South East Asia. When you consider the service record of those planes, from WWII, through Korea, and then to be called up again to fly "Harrassment and Interdiction" sorties in Vietnam, that's a very impressive tour of duty for an aircraft. It's amazing that the plane stayed together through it all, and is a testament to the quality of, and integrity in the construction of the plane.

Half the fun of this hobby (for me) is the reverse engineering and trying to figure out the logic of the developers and painters.

One more thing has me curious. Was there ever a "K" model with rockets for the pylons? Wish I had the skills to do that.

I do not recall. Bomber_12th did this series and I was off to other things. You might PM him to ask.