B-26K variant of the SOH A-26


Charter Member
G'day all --

Just re-installed the SOH A-26, the LAS Super, and and B-26K variant. I found most of my repaints for the A-26 and the Super 26 and I was just wondering if there were any repaints done for the B-26K variant? I thought that there were a few scattered about but I don't seem to have any in my archive.... other than the one the plane came with.

Does anyone know where I might find repaints for the B-26K?

Thanks in advance!

Jens-Ole Kjolberg did 2 in a green and grey paintscheme. One USAF and one CIA. Don't know if they are in the library here but on Flightsim you can find them by searching counter invader.
Wow... didn't know they were here! I found the Hurlbut Field B-26K skin on my back-up disks.... I'm going to grab the other as we speak.

Thanks for the reply!

There was a flurry of painting activity when the SOH A-26's were first released. I expect many of the paints were posted at AVSim, but lots of files were lost when their server was hacked.
I remember the multitude of repaints for the SOH A-26A/B, I have most of them, if not all. I went through and picked out a few to start. The B-26K however... I only had one or two at the most 'cause when that plane was released by the SOH fun bunch, I had a hard drive crash. I never bothered to look for the repaints once I got a new "pooter" up and running.
I thought Henry William did a few for the Counter Invader, but he may have posted them at AvSim before their server got bombed by hacks and pirates and whatnot. I also thought that Yago9 did one for the B-26K, but even if he had... We'll never be able to recover that one (sadly).

I grabbed the 2 that were done by "Dag Roger"... the paint is still drying.
