B-45 Tornado


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Hello, can someone make a B-45 Tornado with working flight control surfaces, exits, and bomb bay doors please. I cannot find one.
Not so sure about the bomb bay but David Wooster did an exceptional model of the B-45 Tornado, and it's available right here at the SOH in the Add-Ons Library. I think it's the only game in town as far as the Tornado goes, but I could be wrong.

Thank you, I just found the B-45 Tornado from David Wooster. I hope it is framerate friendly to use as AI.

Roger Elliott
All of Dave's models should work nicely as AI. His newest P4M Mercator is very frame rate friendly as well... slippery as warm butter, mate.

Jagd, thanks for posting the link to Dave's Tornado! :salute:
