B@gg*r Photobucket!


Charter Member 2016
I can't see other people's links to Photobucket, and I can't post links of my own. All they show is some banner aimed at getting me to pay for their service, which I have absolutely no intention of doing.

Before I delete my account definitively, what are the rest of you doing?
Download all the images you can retrieve from them and use another hosting service. I’m using Imgur too. Not a good career move for the new owners of PhotoBombIt if their rates are at least five times that of the commercial competition. Which they are.

I’m sure we all wish them well. :biggrin-new:
Just deleted everything and cancelled my account. If I can't use it to link to images to display here and elsewhere, it's no use to me.
If you just want to view the images in forums then both Firefox and Chrome have plug-ins available that restore the links to the photos. I've been using the Firefox plug-in for several weeks now and it works great. No more ransom banners on all the sites I visit. As to my own PB account I deleted all the photos and closed the account.
There are also much faster hosting sites than Photobogger - it was one of the slowest sites I've used, even over a fibre connection, due to the advert overload. Good riddance.
it was one of the slowest sites I've used, even over a fibre connection, due to the advert overload. Good riddance.

Too true!

Photobogger? More like Photorobber! :censored: