OK David. Looking at all the xca files which do have certain similarities, do you know id certain expressions are commands?
For instance looking at F8 which is
<Key ID="F8" Action="CycleGunnerSeat"/>
and Shift F8 which is
<Key ID="F8" Mod="Shift" Action="CycleGunnerSeatPrev"/>
would the following have any effect?
<Key ID="F6" Action="GotoPilotSeat"/>
which cycles "GotoPilotSeat" views- actually the Station Name
and if one changed Shift F6 from "FloatView" to
<Key ID="F6" Mod="Shift" Action="GotoPilotSeatPrev"/>
Maybe the commands aren't correct because even F6 action "GotoPilotSeat" is different in meaning from "CycleGunnerSeat" more than "pilot" and Gunner"
I somehow feel it is tied up to the xdp file's wording relating to
<Seat Name=
Somehow with every press of F6 one does cycle the pilots view but the View="0" stays the same; what changes is the Station Name=xxxx
Now the F8 key changes both the Station Name=xxxx and the View=x
maybe I should try <Key ID="F6" Mod="Shift" Action="GotoPilotSeatPrev"/> first to see if it works!