Back in business...

Hello to all,

Well I have been away from this scene for some years now. I am looking at getting back to it but I won't be able to commit to it as I once did. That being said I am wanting to add to the CFS projects out there wherever my models will fit in the timeline.

I went digging around the files I have managed to find and found a lot of stuff that was finished and added but also some stuff still barely in the making.

I am going to complete the two Mossies that I started way back in in 2006 and stopped building in 2008.

Below are two images I have just taken in Gmax:

First is the DBKF_FBVI_Mosquito


Secondly is the DBKF_B-35_Mosquito


Both of the models above were last opened in 2008 and have nothing newer than these so this is where I will be working from.

Please be patient and I will have these up and running as fast as I can.

Hope these will be accepted when released.

@Bravo/4 (John) Any chance you would still do me the honour of painting these when they are done please?

Kind regards,



  • FB 2008.jpg
    FB 2008.jpg
    53 KB · Views: 0
  • B35 2008.jpg
    B35 2008.jpg
    45.5 KB · Views: 0
Of coarse Dave, this was a great little project, I'm glad you're bringing it out of storage, still have the two models installed.:encouragement:
Hahaha, I did wonder how you got recent images. I was looking at them thinking how good you made my models look with your paint schemes.

I'm looking forward to working with you and others with the same passion.
Great stuff! A decent FB.VI is just the ticket, and visually, the B.35 can stand in for the earlier B.XIX.
Hey Dave!

Good to read you're still alive and kicking! Welcome back, I have been missing you!
It's great that you plan to finish your Mossies - the stock ones could really use an upgrade!

Keep us posted!
It's good to back guys. Good to see old faces, no pun, still here along with new faces finding CFS3 which I am really surprised about, I thought it may have died after all this time.

Can you guys tell me, with all the new stuff making CFS3 look even better, if the tri count on models is still low or if the amount of tris has increased allowing for more complex models?

Been messing in Gmax as we speak to get used to limited tools available in that software. After using Max 2017 you really feel the lack of tools.

Good to back on the bike, so to speak.
Glad you are back on it Dave.

Happy to help in any way I can.

PM me if you want buddy.

Good to be back.

Any chance you're still a dab hand with those xml files etc??

Remember the Duck we got to go from land to the water, take off, land back on the water and then traverse back onto land without it exploding.
Remember it well. I still have it in one of my installs.

I no longer have any of the Mossie stuff, due to HD crashes and the like.
...Can you guys tell me, with all the new stuff making CFS3 look even better, if the tri count on models is still low or if the amount of tris has increased allowing for more complex models?

Been messing in Gmax as we speak to get used to limited tools available in that software. After using Max 2017 you really feel the lack of tools.

So long as you haven’t got to animating stage, you can still build and map in Max then punt the mesh to Gmax via the BFF script for animating and export to CFS3. Vertex limits haven’t changed since the old days, just the machines can crank high- poly models more easily than Pentium processors did in the years BC (before coronavirus...). You’ll probably be running Windows 10 now, so check the Aircraft Design and Animation forum for the Gmax/Win10 wrinkles and getting around them.

Fixing Gmax Viewport Leftover Syndrome
Very envious of those who can build aeroplanes for CFS3.

Last aircraft I built I used balsa wood and tissue paper! :biggrin-new:
Oliver, it isn't that hard. Takes patience.... lots and lots and looooooots of patience mate.

I started out being asked to build a C-Type hanger that had doors open and could be taxied through, so that was my very first model in CFS3. It got used a lot if I remember rightly. I had an image of me flying a Lancaster through it, lol.

Make something simple, even if it already exists in CFS3 and learn to export etc. You'll soon pick it up, if I could do it then anyone can mate.


Where do I get this "Gmax via the BFF script for animating and export to CFS3" from as I would much rather use 3ds Max for the build then just use Gmax to animate etc then export to CFS3.

These will be a great addition to the collection, and with the new effects possible with AnKor's shaders they should look fantastic.


I want to know if you want me to finish the Mossie models that are part done or would you rather I build you some new ones?

It's just I am thinking if peoples machines are able to cope with higher polys/tris then I may just build new models with slightly increased polys/tris so you get a much better model.

What I don't wanna do is start a new one with more tris and find that it won't work in the sim.
