Back with some missions to test


Home for tea and tiffin!
Hi everyone.

Just when you thought I'd disappeared into a bunker, I'm back with a small set of missions for the MTB/S-Boot project. Over christmas I'd done some reading on early Coastal Forces mission. There are two ERA1 (Dunkirk) and four ERA2. The ERA1 missions are based on actual events (with the usual CFS3/ETO parameter caveats) and the ERA2 missions are more of a sample of activities that happened at that time. This time was very much the birth of CF. Very few boats were available, with a bunch of mixed types there were not really up to the job. Under-armed and powered they did not match up the contemporary S-Boots. Tactics were being developed in spite of the Admiralty's views on the subject. The boats used in CFS3 are really later than the missions, but we use what we have eh!

So if any of you pirates fancy a bit of mission testing PM me. You can get the current boats form my website which have the necessary tweaks to use on Vista+.
Hi Pat,

Yeah, back again, oddly it was reading a couple of books of books on Coastal Forces which has given me the source material for these missions. Great for an aircraft sim eh! :icon_lol: