Bad medical news today

T Square

Charter Member
I don't know if this is the approptriate place to post this, but this is the forum where I spend most of my time now. Lately I do a lot more reading then I do posting, but here goes. Doctor told me today I got cancer in my right Kidney and it has to go, no other choice. Got some more tests to do but it looks like they will do the surgery sometime around the middle of May. During a routine Doctor visit for yearly check-up found blood in my urine, one cat-scan later and here I am. Doctor says she is pretty sure it is isolated to the one kidney but won't know for sure until all the tests are completed and we have all results. That being said I will more than likely be laying low for awhile, either myself or my wife will keep you posted.

Keep the Faith, and Always Check Your Six !
Hey T Square~

I'm sorry to hear about your medical news. I will say a prayer for you Sir. Stay positive & Remain strong in your Faith!
We would very much appreciate updates whenever possible.

Take Care~
aye T-Square, sorry to hear the news also, that'll put a dampener on anything, i think i can safely say for us all "Stay Positive, Fight hard and god speed...", and i'm with C9G be good to hear how yer gettin' on... think on the positive... nursies :icon_lol: .... sorry soldier kicking in, heres to hoping it is localised and not spread :ernae:

Take Care Buddy :salute:
T Square,
I'll make sure to include you in my Prayers, and wish you a speedy recovery. One positive, is you might be able to get a bit of extra sympathy during recovery and get a little extra flying in. Thank God that it wasnt found after the 'Free' Health Care kicked in.
I wish you all the best T, I am sure things will work out fine.

Take care.

Keep heart and soul do not give in fight it hold up your heart you will win,

old saying here if you think you will lose the battle before you start you will , but if you think you win it then you will, may this help you, i do not know what to say but fight and win
semper fi
I have a co-worker that went down the same path 3+ years ago. He very quickly became the same old turkey he always was. Stay focused on a point well beyond the procedure. Helps a lot. The mind expects to be somewhere and the miraculous body will tend to do what is required to help get there, like heal and strengthen. I've seen it too often to be discounted.
TSquare, my thoughts and prayers are with you as well, keep the faith! I know it may feel overwhelming, but it is far from hopeless or final.

Aeromed makes a good point, focus on the future beyond the initial treatment, he is also very right about the body responding to the minds desire, if you can make yourself truly believe you will beat this, your body will respond and help the healing and recovery better than any drug - Attitude is Everything!
Thank you all for your kind words and prayers. To be honest initially I felt like I had been kicked in the gut, but that feeling has been replaced with the one this is just another one of lifes challeges I survived, war, a double bypass and come hell or high water i'm gonna live with one kidney and enjoy it, there is no other option. Got some good news today so far i have had apostrate biopsy, came clear for cancer, no signs of it in my lymph nodes either, also had bladder scoped and it looks clear as well. Doctor says she thinks we got it early enough that it hasn,t spread or left the kidney yet, so it,s isolated to inside the kidney. I go for a bone scan Tuesday, Doctor says we want those results before we scheduale surgery. My kids have started donating blood in my name and my wife seems to be a rock as always. Some advice for you young fellows here find yourself a good woman and stick to her like glue. I been married 37 years, if she had not henpecked me into going to the Doctor when I initially started have problems this probably would have been found to late to fix. I owe her a debt I can never pay.
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal; It is the courage to continue that counts." -Winston Churchill

I try to remember this one when I'm gettin' hit, and I've never faced anything near this difficult. However, maybe everyone's support here will give you a couple extra 'hit points'. :ernae: