Bad stutters in forests


Charter Member
So I'm running p3dv4 and for the most part it runs incredibly smooth except for a very specific scenario, which is dense forests in hilly terrain, which produces some incredible stutters. I have tried reducing all auto gen settings and the only way I can seem to stop the stutters is to turn the spider for trees all the way down, which is obviously not acceptable. Has anyone come across this and know of a fix? I've been out of the loop with p3d for a while so I do t know any common tweaks. Thanks!
Leaving Dynamic Vegetation enabled might do that. I turned it off as soon as I installed P3D4.
I have issues as well, but have just put it down to my system being not up to snuff. 5 year old Dell XPS with i7-2600, 8 gigs of memory and a GeForce 6600 running Windows 10 are just barely adequate at this point. I'm going to have to upgrade everything. Guess I'll start saving for it after my vacation in early October.
More precisely: it's the shadow "cast" option for trees which has the biggest FPS hit.
The shadow option "receive" for trees has a very small impact though, so I would recommend you to keep that activated, and only disable the "cast" for trees.
Thanks everyone. Turns out that the stutters go away when I set ai aircraft to 0. Since it only happens in certain spots I can live with this solution. I really only need ai when I do commercial flights.