Bae 146


SOH Staff
Staff member

that the FIRST (AFAIK) 'proper, third party native MSFS study-level jetliner' has been released and that there's only 21 replies sofar at Avsim about it and absolutely non whatsoever sofar here at SOH (not really thàt much surprising of course).

Certainly, Concorde has been released a few weeks ago but i'm not sure, can we call that a regular jetliner ? She is very, very special, isn't she. The BAE 146 however IS a regular jetliner and i, for one, think that the Just Flight 'in-house' dev team did a fantastic job in the graphics department of their 146 project. And that's only by viewing the promotional screenshots and video. Inside and out it looks absolute superb.

I might take the plunge for the looks only. I mean, look at it:

At about 60 Euro's you'd probabely have to have a thing going for the BAE 146 but it IS the first 'study-level' jetliner and it looks just amazing. Maybe, if the flight dynamics and systems simulation prove to be up there in that same region as well it might turn out to be winner.
I think its probably that although the 146 is an interesting plane its a bit of an odd ball and most of the study level tube liner crowd are more interested in the mainstream planes.
I think its probably that although the 146 is an interesting plane its a bit of an odd ball and most of the study level tube liner crowd are more interested in the mainstream planes.

You might be absolutely right ! We'll see when it's PMDG 737 time, can't get more mainstream than that, can it. ;-)

"Oddball".... I like that word :smile: (English not my native language) Could be that, from now on, whenever i see a 146 it'll pop up in my mind. BAE Oddball. Hehe.. I was bit dissapointed by the meaning. It's just something like eccentric... I suspected something a little more oddballish.. ;-)

I do like the look of it, both for real and now Just Flight Team's digital interpretation.
In the meantime, it's been released and there's not that many posts more...

The 146 used to be known as "four APU's connected to an electrical fault". :playful: I think the apparent lack of interest in this plane is entirely due to the price. Simmers will pay for a relatively obscure plane even if it was out of service long before they were born, if the price is right.
Yep, I'd pay that much for a 727, but I'm just not interested enough in the plane to pay that kind of money, especially since I'm realistically only going to have the time/bandwidth to learn a couple of study-level planes in detail, so I'd be flying this at a more medium-level anyway. At least they dropped the price lower than the initial announcement, but I wonder if they'd have made more $ in the end at $30 because so many more casual-interest and "mid-range" fliers would have checked it out.

I guess we'll just to keep watching the Boeing 247 guy to see if he buys a new Tesla or something. :)
Soon Jan, soon ;)

I believe you, Carl, looking forward to it ! ;-)

I got each and every edition because it was always packed with top quality. A joy to fly and nothing to complain about. Together with the experience of the PMDG DC-6 here in MSFS there should be no doubt that it will be the pinnacle of 737 simulation. Still looking forward to the pinnacle of DC-3 simulation as well. :smile:
Got the 146 and it's brilliant, highly recommended :)

The 737...maybe if it was a Classic, but not interested in using a computer to pretend to fly a computer...I'll wait for the 757 to fly a Boeing (unless a 727 or 707 comes along :) )
The 146 used to be known as "four APU's connected to an electrical fault". :playful: I think the apparent lack of interest in this plane is entirely due to the price. Simmers will pay for a relatively obscure plane even if it was out of service long before they were born, if the price is right.
There was a question asked over at the official board as to whether users would rather have this or the upcoming PMDG 737. I answered that if I were to get a study level plane, it would be this one. 737's are as common in the sky as dirt on the ground. I like the more unusual planes.
I replied similarly, but with doubts about MSFS for a full tubeliner experience as Live traffic doesn't currently work and Live traffic in XPlane in combination with LiveAtc makes for currently unbeatable immersion.
That didn't go down well...but I bought the 146 anyway (no resolve me!)

A dozen flights already, all great, haven't opened the manual yet or engaged autopilot.
The co-pilot is very helpful in calling out flap speeds etc.
Flying ILS approaches into London City with real weather gives a different sort of unbeatable immersion!
And LiveAtc doesn't work for the UK anyway :(
Any talented painter prepared to do a paint of the 146 in Coulson fire tanker colours please. There are usually a couple in Australia during our Summer fire season. I thought there would be one in the initial release package but sadly there were none.
Any talented painter prepared to do a paint of the 146 in Coulson fire tanker colours please. There are usually a couple in Australia during our Summer fire season. I thought there would be one in the initial release package but sadly there were none.

I have read elsewhere that putting your request into, in the Requests section, may bear fruit.
Any talented painter prepared to do a paint of the 146 in Coulson fire tanker colours please. There are usually a couple in Australia during our Summer fire season. I thought there would be one in the initial release package but sadly there were none.

not to be picky,but the BAE 146 tankers are "airspray" not Coulson. i think,but im not possitive of this,but i think airspray bought out Neptune aviation . aero flight has the other version,RJ86? anyway i know its an RJ not sure of the number,lol.
Coulson operates C-130s and a 737s. Neptune Aviation has BAe 146s with internal tanks and Conair/AeroFlite has RJ85 with external tanks on them. Airspray has a tanked 146 but hasnt flown it on a fire as of yet. The only ones that have gone to Australia are the Conair/Aeroflite RJs.
Coulson operates C-130s and a 737s. Neptune Aviation has BAe 146s with internal tanks and Conair/AeroFlite has RJ85 with external tanks on them. Airspray has a tanked 146 but hasnt flown it on a fire as of yet. The only ones that have gone to Australia are the Conair/Aeroflite RJs.

good info thanks, id wondered what airspray came in. they had the A/B - 26s out of reddeer alberta right ? they still have tankers ? id thought they had gone out of business after the sale of the invaders and the fire.