Baldy K11W1 kamikaze

Baldy K11W1 kamikaze 2024-05-05

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Captain Kurt

Library Staff
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Captain Kurt submitted a new resource:

Baldy K11W1 kamikaze - Baldy K11W1 kamikaze

aldy K11W1 Shiragiku kamikaze by UncleTgt

This is a conversion of Baldys K11W1 Shiragiku for CFS2 by Peperez, for CFS 2. Following the guidelines by Pen32win, it turns the aircraft into an AI kamikaze that can be used in missions.

The repaint is: Tokushima ku Japan 1945.

The changes made were: The dp was modified to add kelti exhaust effects, & the airfile aircraft type changed to remove it from the Player Selection.

The aircraft category was changed to 4. You lose the true dive bomb...

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