Balloon Busting.



A couple of things I noticed. I've read something of this but did not know any details, so I thought I would post this for the newbies.

Last night I had a Balloon Busting mission. On the way, I took out a Ballloon that was not the intended target. I was allowed to file a claim, even though it was ont the intended target. I do not know if a claim on an unintended target gets a reduced chance of confirmation or not.

I just flew another mission {non Balloon Busting} and destroyed a Balloon that was just a target of opportunity. I was not even allowed to file a claim, though I was congradulated on destroying a ground target.

So, take out as many Balloons as you can when assigned a Balloon Busting misssion. And ignore the gasbags when not on such a mission.
You NEVER get credit fo a non-assigned Target Balloon, even then, it must witnessed by your wingies, and they must be alive at the end of the mission ( Dead men can't be witnesses)

AVOID enemy contact like the plauge, on the way home

Hit R repeatedly prior to shooting, to get his attention

In P2, even doing everything right . . . you got 1 of 4 KILLS
Just to be contrary, I'll disagree with most of what Gimpy said above. What follows is based on Phase 2...I haven't had a balloon mission in Phase 3 yet but I assume it hasn't changed.

After a balloon busting mission has been flown and you get returned to the OFF Manager, OFF will check if there have been any ground targets destroyed. If there have, it will ask you if the ground target you destroyed was a balloon. It asks, because it has no idea what you actually destroyed. So shooting a different balloon isn't going to really matter. For that matter you can destoy a tent and claim it as a ballon if you really want to cheat. The OFF manager isn't going to know the difference.

The claims process, in a similar manner, gets you to input information about a witness, because it really has no clue if there was one there or not. So making sure a wingman is near you in the actual flight might be nice from role playing point-of-view but really won't make a bit of difference to the outcome of your claim. Only what you type into the claim report matters. Again, if you lie on the claim, OFF probably has no way to know.

If any of this has been re-coded for Phase 3, or my understanding of how it works is way off, then hopefully Winder will correct me.