Bargain Priced F-9 Skin?


Charter Member
This is a VMA-223 (post war) skin for the DPC/Mudpond Panther. The stock F-9 was painted in a blue scheme, but there will be some 'defects' in a two-tone skin due to texture mapping (tail cone, canopy & air intake). I tried this scheme on for size to see how it would look and it isn't too bad really, good enough to shoot down anyway.:mixedsmi: Would anyone want this before it gets sent to the recycle bin?
I think you should upload it! One of the things I didn't really like about the Panther was the blue scheme...
Thanks guys . . . and sorry for the delay. Been having PC problems - #!$*%^& Vista!!!:isadizzy::angryfir: Also had probs logging in here at SOH. looks like Ickie(?) fixed it straight away.:salute::icon29:

I'll upload as soon as I can.
OK, was going to wait until after the server upgrade last weekend but it looks like that has been postponed until later next month. So here she goes - just uploaded the above skin along with a blue one from VMF-115.

Clive - I'll see about uploading the template with the next round of Panther skins. It's a mess and needs to be cleaned up a little.