Bases not showing IN QC; back to an oldie!


I have an issue with the odd base not showing up in QC, in spite of checking the naming on

mos file naming


global layer naming

Do I really need a cutscene.xml entry for bases to show up??

Other than that, I am at a loss. It's always just the odd one, while other bases changed or newly entered are fine.:dizzy:
Well, with CFS3, I'm never too sure what happenes, but now the problem solved. What was not working was an airbase, whose facility xml and mos files, I had just changed their names and also changed the gsl name and checked the qclocation details fitted the gsl data. Luckily I have the airbase in another install with the old names which worked. I copied those details into the new install and that worked. I then changed all the names again,,,,and that worked!:dizzy: Who knows!:playful:
The format for the name change is tricky and of course must match in the global layer csv. Funny how simple these things are sometimes. I struggled for a year to get campaign spawns to work in the PTO, only to discover that I was missing a flagpole in the buildings folder! I had matched country xml, unlimited pilots, nek.xml,pilotattributes/constants, cutscenes, dialogues, vehicles ships and aircraft, but hadn't realised that random spawning won't work in a campaign unless you have a flagpole for all participating nations!! :dizzy: