Basic OS help (slight OT)


Charter Member 2014
I just hooked up my newly upgraded FS rig and find that I am going to have to re-acquaint myself with some of the W7 OS.

I would like some guidance as to how I can configure things so that I can use a couple of XP aircraft (Specifically, the Dreamfleet A36, Dakota and Archer III) in Windows 7.

I'm pretty sure that there is a way to do this. I just need either a quick tutorial on it or, alternatively, directions to a website and/or video that can do it.

Thanks for the opportunity to pick the collective SOH brain!

I don't think it's the OS that's the factor here; rather, it's the simulator platform that matters.

I guess I don't understand your question; are the airplanes you have designed for X Plane, or for MSFS?
If they're designed for MSFS, then what you have will work regardless of the OS, as long as they're made for FS 2002 or FS 2004. If the airplanes are made for X-Plane, then they're not compatible.

Please clarify your query; I wouldn't want to give out the incorrect 411, you know...

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As depicted in the Dreamfleet site (see link below) these three aircraft were/are not meant to be used with 64 bit operating systems

so, to clarify a bit, is there a way that I can manipulate Windows 7 (64) so that it will "pretend" ( at least in these cases) to be a 32 bit OS and will, I hope, run these planes. I
s that an adequate explanation of my original question?

Hell, I don't even know if this is possible.

Is it?

I like flying these particular GA airplanes a lot and it would be neat if I could do so on my current rig.

You will have no problem using those aircraft in a 64 bit OS.

you own the RealityXP versions of the planes. The RealityXP Garmins only work on 32-bit OS and there is no way to make them work on a 64 bit machine - period. If that is your situation, you might consider buying the newer RXP gauges and swapping out the RXP units included - but no matter what, you will end up having to swap out the GPS.
Important to note, though, is that ONLY the GPS units are affected. The other RXP instruments still work ok in Win7 64.

To add to the above, it may not be quite that simple. The existing RXP GNS will have to be replaced with the current generation version, but this is coded differently to the earlier version and so it won't communicate with the other (older) gauges.

Thus there are 3 options:

1. Remove the GPS and leave the "hole" in the panel (or cover with a cover plate gauge)
2. Replace the existing GPS with the current RXP GPS and live with the lack of communication with the other gauges
3. Replace the GPS with the current version + replace the other RXP gauges on the panel with the current FLT / FLN equivilents.

I like the three DF planes but am currently using Option 1 myself, as I don't want the expense of repurchasing all the necessary gauge packs.

Option 1 sounds pretty good to me. I usually fly these planes "low & slow", thus GPS is not a requirement.

RE: a cover plate for the hole left by removal of said GPS. Is this something that I can obtain somewhere commercially or is it something that needs to be modeled? (NOTE: I am NOT a modeler, just a flyer.)

Also, to remove the GPS from the panels can I simply remark them out of the 2D and VC portions of the panel


Going from memory either the new DF Archer or the Dakota actually comes with a "blanking plate" gauge, so you should be able to remove the GPS and put the plate on instead (either manually editing the panel.cfg or using FS Panel Studio if you have it.)

Removing the GPS is indeed as simple as remarking out all references to the GNS430.


Thanks, Alastair. As soon as I sort out some sound issues (I don't have any!) I can start my new FS9 install. Thanks tor your I (and that of several others) help I will be able to fly a couple of my favorite GA planes on my new hot rod rig.
