Basic questions




I'm looking for a nice WWI sim, and OFF seems to be a good choice.
I have a couple of basic questions:

Which version of CFS3 do I need? out of the box? or do I need to install some patches?

Where can I purchase OFF?

Does one need OFF phase 2 before installing phase 3?

When will phase 3 be released (approximately)?

Thank you in advance!
Simply the BEST

Hi, Greg
OFF isn't just a good WW1 sim - it's simply the BEST (and Phase 3 is yet to come) !
You could get the DVD-version of CFS3, as it's already patched. Phase 2 can only be copied by one of us round here. Before installing it, you MUST read and follow the installation guide, to get it work right.
If you don't get any reaction from someone round your corner, you may PM me your post adress; and I send you a copy.
Only the OFF-Olymp now, when we shall get "Phase 3" - but I promise you: with "Phase 2" you've got enough to learn first. When you can survive it 17 flying hours, you may be fit for Ph3 (I'm still exercising to get that far).

And read GIMPY's thread "Tipps and Cheats", and Polovski's FAQ site at

Cheer; Olham
And you dont need Phase 2 to install Phase 3 when it is released.
If you got an old CFS3 copy (CDs) you just need to find the 3.1(or 3.1a) patch of it. Just google it and you will find it.
Welcome to OFF :friday:
I found a copy of OFF phase 2. I installed over a working CFS 3.1,
in the correct order all the 3 exes, then the update 1.8. The game worked, but when I clicked on Quick Mission, then "Go to Hangar", I had an error message:
Please insert the correct CD-ROM, click OK, and restart the application
What did I do wrong? Thanks.
simply put the CFS3 disk #2 in your CD/DVD drive. :kilroy:
I got it working! The Shell.exe trick worked!!!!
WOW! This sim is absolutely breathtaking! I was disappointed to find out that RoF would be a US only sim, but this OFF is better than I expected RoF to be like. Thank you so much for the developpers!!:applause::jump:

Advanced questions:
-How do I turn this off:
"You hit Allied Airman
You hit Allied Airman
You hit Allied Airman
You hit Allied Airman" ?

How do I select a skin in QM?

Why does the Dr.1 roll like the hour-hand on a clock?

How can I play 1280x1024? (desktop)? If I chose "Desktop res." I have a small window instead of a full screen.

S!- You're getting there.

OK - Are you familiar with the config file. - the one with the sliders which you probably used before starting off- ( it's in the root directory of OFF -black background with white spanner )

When opened click on Windows ( top left ) and in the drop down menu click on Overrides. Ther you will see option to check, which you probably did on some if you followed the install guide on pols site.
Towards the bottom of left column and top of right column you can check some "disable " functions like HUDS and messages etc . check most of those and one is the messages that come up when you hit someone!!

Again when opening confg file ther is a resolutions option. use that to set the game res.

Ref the skins - there should be anoption on starting OFF nect to the plane you will fly and the enemy plane but only IF you have the OFF skins patch.

Can't help with the DR. - Joystick problem?

Hey Greg! Sounds like you've been flying too many Spitfires! I'm an avid DrI flyer, just ask Catch, and it seems fine to me. The Tripehound has 3 sets of ailerons and doesn't roll very well. The DrI has only one set and rolls just as well if not better. To enhance the roll rate, try a little rudder, but not too much. With the FM on "hard" setting, too much rudder will put you in a flat spin faster than you can say "holy s**t! Be light on the controls. Flying the DrI is more like a dance than a fight, unlike the SPADs, which I would compare more to a heavyweight streetbrawler. Call it the Thunderbolt of WWI. If you go into a fight in the DrI, be ready to fight to the death. The DrI is slow and won't outrun the majority of your potential opponents, especially the streetbrawlers! Remember, don't start it if you don't plan to finish it!

I totally relise that is reverse of what normally happens

Set your Desktop resolution as high as your monitor will allow, in my case it's 1680 X 1050

Run OFF in WORKSHOP to match Desktop

Hanger Page> Video Options> set resolution to match desktop

The 1/3 size Window will be only for the opening Screen, the game itself runs full screen

OFF is the ultimate contradiction, it actually runs SMOOTHER at the higher resolutions
Thanks for the help! My problems are solved :)
Now I have new ones:
I still can't see the skin selection in Quick Combat. I see this:

Is the Damage on E/A modeled so that a wing can be ripped off? All my kills so far were E/A falling down, or sometimes flaming. It also seem to be useless to aim at the pilot? How does it work?
As for the DR1....I chose my other favorite instead, the Nieuport 17.
skin selection is via the OFF manager quick flight options.

as for kills.....get in close.....real close!!
The skins work now, thank you!:)
Another thing: when I take off with my squad of Nieuports, my wingmen fly into the trees at the end of the field :(
Perhaps try another squadron. Sometimes the airfields have obstacles that the AI can not tackle.

The AI in P2 have several issues, most of them due to the fact that the CFS3 AI are optimised for WWII aircraft performance and are forced to fly slow moving biplanes.

As for the damage model, you can rip off wings, but you have to put several bullets consistently on the same spot to break it off. Try shooting at an Eindecker's wing, it is most probable to happen.

The developers say that P3 will have all of these issues ironed out. Until then, enjoy P2 and don't hesitate to ask. Also have a look at the OFF tips and cheats sticky, Gimpyguy has put a lot of useful info there for the uninitiated.

Oh, and welcome to the OFF forum.:wavey:
Sorry, but these questions just keep coming...
Is there anything like autopilot and time acceleration in order to avoid realtime missions? I tried something like next waypoint, but it said my speed was too full throttle...
The warp function in CFS3 is set to be effective above 123mph, which is OK for WWII plane but kind of to the edge for a WWI crate. There is a fix for that (warpzap) floating around which lowers it to 65mph. If you can not find it pm me your email and I will send it to you.

To enable time acceleration find the off.bat file inside the OFF root folder and change the "shell.exe" entry with "shell.exe -time". Now when you are in game press Ctrl-shift-E to accelerate time and Ctrl-shift-R to deccellerate. Multiple keystrokes multiply the acceleration.

Ctrl-shift-A turns on a crude autopilot that will keep the heading and height you have at the time you press it. there will be some waggling before it settles. Make sure you have enough height and speed before you engage it. You can now accelerate time to reach your destination faster.
Hi, GreG
You're like a rookie on speed - since you entered this forum, you didn't waste much time, really. I will send you the DVD as promised, as it contains Update 1.9 patch, and Final hotfix 1.9e. Cause I think, you cannot play "Campaign" so far ? Here to some of your question points:

- In Campaigns, I think, the enemies attack more aggressive.

- To get "warp", you can lower the nose of plane, till you get enough speed, then press "X" - mostly works, but I don't use it often.
You miss the feeling then, and this can't be flown "on speed" - you won't get very far in Campaigns; especially in "Phase3".

- My wingmen sometimes crash at start (in Campaign), but it goes better, if you WAIT UNTIL THEY ARE AIRBORNE, before you follow.
Don't know why, but for me, that works - they rarely crash anymore.

Cheers; Olham
The skins work now, thank you!:)
Another thing: when I take off with my squad of Nieuports, my wingmen fly into the trees at the end of the field :(

Use QC in OFF manager, airfield take offs are disabled there for a reason, as AI can't do them in QC.

Fly in Campaign AI should take off that is how the sim is meant to be enjoyed.

Phase 3 take off works with new AI and take off routine :)