Microsoft actually de-engineered the default DC-3 for us and included it in the FSX SDK's, bad news is it's in 3DSMax format. Good news is one of the FS guys (before they got the axe) posted an article on his blog using this file as an example of how to convert 3DS files to GMAX. The files are still out there on one of the developer or modeler sites, can't remember which one off hand. Since MS released the files in the SDK I don't think there would be a problem with someone modding them to make a Basler. A group from New Zealand I believe have already used these files to mod the default DC-3, look for on Avsim. I've loaded the files into GMAX myself just to see what they look like but couldn't model my way out of a paper bag:help:, still trying to learn how to make a decent building first.
Oh, and the other bad news, I think all of the animations would have to be redone for it to work in FS9. Then again I spend 1/2 my time or more flying on the dark side so an FSX Basler would be just :woot::woot: