Basler BT67

Same here. Saw a demo flight once. Hard to believe that plane could do, takeoff & landing, what I was seeing.
When MAAM-Sim was asking for suggestions on what to do with the R4D-6 next, that was one item on my list.

I've seen a few somewhere in my travels. Don't remember where, but they are schweet.
Here's one with the Royal Thai Air Force, my son shot the pic in 2006 during Exercise Cobra Gold.
Anyone know if MAAM is going to do this? Man that would be nice if they did. :jump:
I can't imagine MAAM doing it as an organization because they don't have a BT67 that needs the 'revenue'. I suppose it might happen during a rebuild of the current model if that ever comes to pass, but...
Since you can't re-engineer the default DC-3 that leaves someone else to do a totally new model of a fairly limited (in real-world numbers) aircraft. It's kind of like the real world... you have to have the demand to support the work and Basler (et al) have been trying to market turboprop DC-3s for years without a stampede reaching their doors.

If you think it's bad in the FS world, even one of the largest DC-3 operators in the world has the same problem...

I'd love to be optimistic but I'd rather not hold my breath that long.

Microsoft actually de-engineered the default DC-3 for us and included it in the FSX SDK's, bad news is it's in 3DSMax format. Good news is one of the FS guys (before they got the axe) posted an article on his blog using this file as an example of how to convert 3DS files to GMAX. The files are still out there on one of the developer or modeler sites, can't remember which one off hand. Since MS released the files in the SDK I don't think there would be a problem with someone modding them to make a Basler. A group from New Zealand I believe have already used these files to mod the default DC-3, look for on Avsim. I've loaded the files into GMAX myself just to see what they look like but couldn't model my way out of a paper bag:help:, still trying to learn how to make a decent building first.

Oh, and the other bad news, I think all of the animations would have to be redone for it to work in FS9. Then again I spend 1/2 my time or more flying on the dark side so an FSX Basler would be just :woot::woot:

I see PIGLET written all over this one:woot:

I like the way you think! But whatever Tim chooses to do next, you know it'll be incredible!

I really doubt MAAM-Sim will do a BT-67, but I felt it didn't hurt to ask. After all, they did build the float version. It's still one of my favorites.
If someone could port that FSX dc-3 model over to something FSDS could read, I'd consider coming out of retirement and give one a shot. I always wanted a Basler.

Will FSDS import gmax files? If so I'd be happy to send the gmax conversion to you>


I think there is a conversion program out there somewhere. I don't have it but Milton or Bill might know of one. If I can get the model into FSDS 3, then I can drop it down to FSDS 2 to work on the file.

I have tried Gmax... I can't make a box in it. Last time I tried it, I couldn't even get it to install on my computer, let alone try building something.
