Battle of Britain Expainsion note.


Charter Member
Just wanted to say Thank you to all involved in bringing us the updated BoB expansion. Been enjoying it very much and is very stable with no issues so far. Thanks also for the excellent Campaign expansion. One of the best ever done ! Very immersive and challenging . Even with all the bad stuff that happened in this neck of the woods,(two hurricanes), last year, this brings enjoyment. CFS3 just keeps going strong after all these years ,thanks to people like you all who did this wonderful body of work. Thank you ALL very much ! Regards,Scott
Cheers, Scott! I would like to add my vote of thanks to Clive (Pat Pattle) for bringing this expansion together. Every time I fly from another RAF base I find new eye candy around the base to admire, from the white picket fences to the dartboard, etc!!

As for the campaign, I'm glad you enjoy it, seems like you are one of the few to try it. It took hundreds of hours and still it seems like a beta to me, so much could be done with the spawns :running:. And the user interface is very basic.