Battle of France VISO where are you?


Charter Member
I have fallen into the Battle of France (air war)

As many know I am being allowed to build for the ETO team, and have planned 100 Historical missions.
to add to this (working for months so far on this)
I am researching the air war in France 1939-40
And are amazed at what I have found.
as brief as it was, it was intense .
The french airman fought like lions in heat!!
Out gunned, out Planed and out planned they still gave it their all in many cases..

***I would like to dedicate this BOF series to VISO' and the W40 team***

Yes this it a ETO team endeavor, and I am just a small part of all of this.( hobbits truly are little folk)
But to those who wish to see the BOF , (with what is included in the ETO expansion..)
I shall try to give it a good go.
This is for all who want some BOF in their Combat flight sim experience..
And for the Team..
Oh yea!!
a preview of a few missions..

<Title>ETO BOF Le Meslee Hawk 75 HH 700

<Overview> You are to fly a patrol near the Ardennes, engage Any German aircraft you may encounter..Edmond la Meslee shot down his first German aircraft on January 11, 1940 in one of the few air combats of the Phony War period. His best day's fighting was on May 12,1940. His flight of Hawk 75As jumped an unescorted group of Stukas over the Ardennes. He shot down two and shared a third. The French ace Edmond Marin la Meslee collected 20 victories (16 confirmed and 4 probable) in May/June 1940 with a Curtiss H75A. He was pilot in the GC I/5 which obtained 111 air victories (84 confirmed and 27 probable). The German ace Werner Molders had been shot down over France and made prisoner like 714 other aircraft crew members during the battle (on June 17, France had still about 400-500 German airmen kept prisoner)

<Title>ETO CGII/2 Ms406 HH 706

<Overview> Start your engines and get airborne!! Inbound raid!! Keep your eyes open the Luftwaffe has been Hitting our Aerodromes often since they invaded the low countries.. Awaiting a Po63.11 recon aircraft at Laon -Chambry airfield. CG II/2 are surprised by 5-Do 17z and 4-Bf 110 fighters. They were able to bring down 2-Bf110 fighters, but with Losses including the Flight leader.

<Title>ETO BOF Puybusque Ms 406 Patrol HH 703

Overview>May 10, 1940, War is upon us!! Patrol a area West of Our base Engage any German aircraft that my be in your patrol sector. Jacques Puybasque shot down 2 He-111 bombers on a patrol this day..CG 1/2..</Overview>
<Intelligence>Germans are on the move, Expect the Luftwaffe to be attacking France, during their move into the low countries. Patrol your sector and engage any German Aircraft in your patrol area.

<Title> ETO BOF Plubeau Gc II-4 HH 701
<Overview>**Warp after take off,, ***After each engagement with the emeny aircraft ***Catch up to your Charges (P063.11) before you warp again.. Keep the Po 63.11s safe!! Fly the mission and enjoy what happens. Lt.Plubeau Gc II-4 On May 18 1940, between 1500 and 1530 hours, ten French Air Force Curtiss H-75s fighters from the Groupe de Chasse (GC) II/4 were escorting a Potez 63-11 formation on the Rethel Ardennes region sector. One of the escorting patrol was composed of: Second Lieutenant Plubeau, Captain Engler, and Lieutenant Girard. They engaged no less the three different aircraft formations Hs 126, He 111 and Bf 109s in the 30 min period. damaging several and shooting down the Hs 126, Several He 111s and 2 Bf 109's, perhaps damaged another Bf 109 </Overview>
<Intelligence> **Warp after take off,, ***After each engagement with the enemy aircraft.. Catch up tp your charges (Po 63.11) Do Not Warp! Until you catch the Po63.11s **Your mission is to keep the Po63.11s safe.. Fly the mission and enjoy what happens. Plibeau GC II-4 All the airplanes engaged in this battle came back, except Captain Guieus machine that was damaged during the attack on the bombers. Captain Guieu managed to land his crippled airplane on a French airfield occupied by the Royal Air Force. This was not the case on the German side. Effectively, one or two 109s - depending on the reporting sources, will be reported as missing. On that particular day, around 1615 hours, the Me 109s of 7.JG 53 entered combat with eight French Air Force Curtisses in the Rethel sector. Oberfeldwebel Franz Gotz, Feldwebel Galubinski, and Unteroffizier Neuhoff each claimed one individual victory. But, the Staffel lost his leader Obertleutnant Wolf-Dietrich Wilcke, who had to bail out of his burning airplane.
According to Wilcke's journal, which is kept in the Freiburg Bubdesarchiv (number RL 10/277), Franz Gotz's airplane was also shot down, and those two future renowned Luftwaffe aces were taken prisoner. The Henschel 126 more than likely belonged to 3.(H)/41 who lost two airplanes that day in the Northern part of France.It was not possible to identify the first 109 claimed by Plubeau; however, one airplane of III./JG 52 was compelled to make an emergency landing in Merzig, following an aerial battle. Finally, the Heinkel 111s shot down were probably those of II.KG 55, which lost several airplanes on that day in the Sedan region. It is however certain that both ME 109s shot down on that particular mission were victims of GC II/4, and in view of the circumstances of this air battle, it is possible to attribute the downing of Wilcke to Engler, and the downing of Gotz to Plubeau.

Any information or links to BOF data will be Most welcomed..
Yes, I have but how can I upload all files ? (50)
1) all missions are "France" because 39-40 are not "france_free" (it's my game)
2) you must control all missions (I am not a professional).


Andre, when I get these finished I hope that you will enjoy them..
Learning a great deal about the air fighting during this time.
Never realized how desperate the fight was at times, until now..
Upload your files I would enjoy this very much..
Master Andre, these are for CFS3 not the ETO expansion.
Thanks for the upload, i will adjust all of this to work in ETO 1.40.
The CFS3 sim is quite different..ETO has Free_France ( not France..)
As there are some of my missions in the mission pack you have uploaded, it would have been fair to note proper credits in the readme file.


Since this was an honest mistake, please just write a quick text file and attach it to the "Battle of France" thread declaring that some of the missions are the property of Led Zeppelin, and I will include it in the campaign package as a readme. No harm, no foul.


Comme il s'agissait d'une erreur de bonne foi, s'il vous plaît juste écrire un fichier de texte rapide et le joindre à la thread "bataille de France" déclarant que certaines des missions sont la propriété de Led Zeppelin, et je vais l'inclure dans le paquet de la campagne comme un readme. Pas de mal, pas de faute.
As there are some of my missions in the mission pack you have uploaded, it would have been fair to note proper credits in the readme file.

So sorry, indeed some missions are your property but with the time I don't remember.
I have just take the pack in my game.


How can I changed this mistake ?


Since this was an honest mistake, please just write a quick text file and attach it to the "Battle of France" thread declaring that some of the missions are the property of Led Zeppelin, and I will include it in the campaign package as a readme. No harm, no foul.


Comme il s'agissait d'une erreur de bonne foi, s'il vous plaît juste écrire un fichier de texte rapide et le joindre à la thread "bataille de France" déclarant que certaines des missions sont la propriété de Led Zeppelin, et je vais l'inclure dans le paquet de la campagne comme un readme. Pas de mal, pas de faute.
Thank you André for this great mission set. Looking at the missions intelligence a lot of research as gone into it.
It seems that some missions require to replace contry=France by Vichy_France or am I mis reading?
Again BRAVO!!:encouragement: