Bay Tower Van RV-7 in P3D


OK, so I find that my homemade (professionally, of course, but home made :) )hall sensor ruder pedals work like caca in FSX, but operate as smooth as silk in P3D. SO....... I am moving over, my friends. Now that IRTrack works, I see no reason not to move.

I am having problems moving the excellent Bay Tower RC7. It keeps crashing P3D. I tried // out the transponder, as recommend on the RC7 forums, but it still crashes. If I just move the folders over to P3D, I get and airplane with no wings.

Anybody got it to work? How?
OK, so I find that my homemade (professionally, of course, but home made :) )hall sensor ruder pedals work like caca in FSX, but operate as smooth as silk in P3D. SO....... I am moving over, my friends. Now that IRTrack works, I see no reason not to move.

I am having problems moving the excellent Bay Tower RC7. It keeps crashing P3D. I tried // out the transponder, as recommend on the RC7 forums, but it still crashes. If I just move the folders over to P3D, I get and airplane with no wings.

Anybody got it to work? How?

Hey John,

Did you try asking BayTower?

If the wings arent showing up in P3, then it sounds like its an anti-copying issue. Have you tried running the RV7 installer directly into P3D? You can put the FSX.exe file into the main P3 folder to help 'sheapard' the installer to that new location.
Hey John,

Did you try asking BayTower?

If the wings arent showing up in P3, then it sounds like its an anti-copying issue. Have you tried running the RV7 installer directly into P3D? You can put the FSX.exe file into the main P3 folder to help 'sheapard' the installer to that new location.

Hi Bill. - I got it to work. I went into the Bay Tower forums. I had to move the cab files into the P3D gauge folder and then comment out the transponder. You have to do it in both the 2D avionics stack and the VC. It worked fine after that. I just don't have a transponder. No big deal. I haven't checked, but I bet the ~ ATC auto set will word just fine.

I have noticed that several a the Carenado radios don't work in P3D. I will have to look into that. Not an issue at the moment.
Hi Bill. - I got it to work. I went into the Bay Tower forums. I had to move the cab files into the P3D gauge folder and then comment out the transponder. You have to do it in both the 2D avionics stack and the VC. It worked fine after that. I just don't have a transponder. No big deal. I haven't checked, but I bet the ~ ATC auto set will word just fine.

Hi Jmig, I've done exactly as you said, but .... still P3D crashed as before
I give up :(
Hi Jmig, I've done exactly as you said, but .... still P3D crashed as before
I give up :(

Italo, I didn't mention that I also ran the program by the Turkish fellow that sets addons to P3D or FSX. Maybe that works? I know the first time I tried the RV7 it didn't work. I hadn't run the Addon to P3D program at that point.

Hi Bill. - I got it to work. I went into the Bay Tower forums. I had to move the cab files into the P3D gauge folder and then comment out the transponder. You have to do it in both the 2D avionics stack and the VC. It worked fine after that. I just don't have a transponder. No big deal. I haven't checked, but I bet the ~ ATC auto set will word just fine.

I have noticed that several a the Carenado radios don't work in P3D. I will have to look into that. Not an issue at the moment.

This also stops issues with other airplane ports.
Go to Realism/Crashes and Damage and tick Ignore Crashes and Damage.
For the Vans RV7
Comment out the transponder gauge in each PANEL.CFG ( gtx327). You have to do it in both the 2D avionics stack and the VC.

// =====================================
// Avionics Stack
// =====================================
gauge00=btsRV7!gma340, 0,0,300,60
gauge01=btsRV7!gns530, 0,60,300,216
//gauge02=btsRV7!gtx327, 0,276,300,79
Is there a way to put another transponder gauge in the place? I tried with my other plane Orbx rv-4 transponder gauge but didn´t work out the box.
The BT forums have been down for some time...

Is there any instructions to get the RV7 working in P3D 2?
Hi Ryan,

Up to P3Dv2.4 it was possible to get the BT's RV7 to work by simply commenting out the GTX327 transponder entries in the 4 panel.cfg files. However, since P3Dv2.5, something else has been compromised. I am now getting a Simconnect Error pop-up window saying "EXCEPTION=3 SendID=5 Index=3 cbData=24". I'll be enquiring over at LM, but I doubt this will be fixed any time soon if at all.
Has anybody had luck with getting the RV7 to work in PD3 v2.5? This is such a fun aircraft. Its a shame not to have it in PD3.
Hi everyone,

I've been wondering about the RV7 as well and came across this thread while searching for information, so I figure it makes sense to post my findings here as well.
I bought the RV-7 yesterday and am happy to report that it works very well in P3D 2.5!

To be more specific:

- Installed it with the Estonian Migration Tool
- At first, the sim crashes (CTD) after the vehicle is selected, caused by panels.dll
- This is apparently due to the transponder gauge as is mentioned earlier in this thread. Disabling the gauge (gtx327) in the panel.cfg files (there are several) solves this problem, but of course it also means that the transponder is non-functional.
- All gauges (including the AoA indicator) seem to work
- Engine start works
- Lights work
- AP works

One issue that did come up during my 2nd test flight was that about 20 minutes after takeoff, an error message saying something about a simconnect problem appeared. However it did not effect the aircraft in any way and I was able to complete the flight without issues.

In short, apart from minor drawbacks the RV-7 is just fine in P3D! What a fantastic little aircraft, it flies beautifully.


PS - I've also attempted to replace the transponder with another gauge, so far with moderate success... placing the default Bendix King transponder at least gives a working display, but unfortunately it's not possible to adjust it by pressing the buttons in the VC.

gauge00=btsRV7!gma340,                    0,1,512,87
gauge01=btsRV7!gns530,                    0,87,512,312
[B]gauge02=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio Xpndr,   40,399,512,113[/B]