Flame On!
I, Leutnant Josef von Feuervogel, haf arrived at ze front! Viss my new Driedekker (ezpecially made at ze von Stachel Flugzeugwerke) I vill lead ze fliegers of ze Jasta 6 to victory againzt ze Krumpet menace.
Note to Otto.....Herr Stachel. I realize zat zis aeroplane vas built for ze sird phase off ze campaign but I could not rezizt! Zhe vas zitting in ze hangar callink my name. Zhe zaid to me, "Josef, mein teurer Schatz, come and fly me! Otto von't mind!" Ich entschuldige mich, Herr Stachel, but I could not vight ze temptazion. (I did make ze sree killz! Zhe flies like ze dream!)
Lt. Josef von Feuervogel
Note to Otto.....Herr Stachel. I realize zat zis aeroplane vas built for ze sird phase off ze campaign but I could not rezizt! Zhe vas zitting in ze hangar callink my name. Zhe zaid to me, "Josef, mein teurer Schatz, come and fly me! Otto von't mind!" Ich entschuldige mich, Herr Stachel, but I could not vight ze temptazion. (I did make ze sree killz! Zhe flies like ze dream!)
Lt. Josef von Feuervogel