Be nice to have the whole set!

I've got to re-order my Albatros Aces of WW1 from amazon. I got it in the mail and was pretty excited to start reading it. I opened the front cover and on the inside was American Aces of WW1, but the front cover was Albatros Aces of WW1......wierd. Oh well, I'll read anything WW1 I can get my hands on. Lets just hope the cover and contents match this time.

Thanks Olham. I know them and love them. Theyre beautiful. I wish I had that kind of talent. Makes me want to go practice my airbrushing (alot of practice, lol) or make a new skin for OFF.

Zay have to admit it von Mahlo...vee have zee mozt beautivul planez in zee skiez.....:friday:

Jawel! Zee crumpets vill hate our Albatrossen around der necks!