Bear Studios Flanker 'B' Released

This was a pleasant discovery. Nice to see everyone has not bailed on FS 2004 simply because it isn't the shiny new sim anymore.
This was a pleasant discovery. Nice to see everyone has not bailed on FS 2004 simply because it isn't the shiny new sim anymore.

My thoughts exactly! I just noticed on the Bear Studios support forum that future Flanker iterations are in the works, too.

And this is a beginning for Bear Studios long product line on Flanker family, in future; we will build major variants for this great aircraft. Include Naval carrier and Su-30 international export variants.
..... not bailed on FS 2004 simply because it isn't the shiny new sim anymore.

Mind you neither is 'X' after the rise and fall of 'Flight' :icon_lol:

Must admit I do like the Bear Studios offerings, have to go and check this one out...


I have both the MiG-15 and the F-7 Skybolt. The radar in the Skybolt is very similar to the one I see in the screenies for their new Flanker. That radar is very unique and really works well in the F-7. The Flanker is a big package, 230 MB or more. Ought to be a real winner.

I just bought it and posted a few screenies in the FsX thread. I won't install it in Fs9, so I don't know the difference between both versions, but the FsX bird is a great aircraft. After buying the MiG-15 and the J-10 this is another great Bear Studios product. :applause:
Has Bear Studio ever put out a MiG-19 or the Shenyang equivalent?

Unfortunately, no. It'd be great to see them (or anyone else) release a quality -19 with a VC. An oft-overlooked model in FS...
As someone already noted on the FSX forum, the Bear Studios Flanker B+ has been released. It's also available for FS2004! This looks to be a very promising purchase for anyone who likes Eastern Bloc aircraft and/or lots and LOTS of buttons and switches in their cockpits! :icon_lol:

Bought. Installed. Tested.

Nice 3D model but no clean version.
Nice 3D cockpit.

But big problem: with FS2004 the flight dynamics is Completely missed.

After mach 1 the aircraft begins to tremble of everywhere...


Flight dynamics and clean version:

Here is the response of Bill Wolfgen:

" I follow the su-27/30 manual and it described the flight characteristic, so I set a tremble to simulate transit-sonic effect on control surface. I test your problem now.
When in FS2004 default setting,
If you fly lower then 36000 ft,
the aircraft have tremble when Mach 0.95-1.05, and when Mach number to 1.4, it bacome steady, then, when reach near Mach 1.95, it have tremble again, when over Mach 2, aircraft become more steady.
If over 36000 ft, aircraft will reduce to steady.

If you want to clean model, please edit aircraft.cfg`s weight stations, station 3-10 set to 0, then, save it.when aircrft loading into flight, weapon invisible. this equals setting weight stations 4-11 during Flight.

Bill Wolfgen

Thank you Bill.