Flight dynamics and clean version:
Here is the response of Bill Wolfgen:
" I follow the su-27/30 manual and it described the flight characteristic, so I set a tremble to simulate transit-sonic effect on control surface. I test your problem now.
When in FS2004 default setting,
If you fly lower then 36000 ft,
the aircraft have tremble when Mach 0.95-1.05, and when Mach number to 1.4, it bacome steady, then, when reach near Mach 1.95, it have tremble again, when over Mach 2, aircraft become more steady.
If over 36000 ft, aircraft will reduce to steady.
If you want to clean model, please edit aircraft.cfg`s weight stations, station 3-10 set to 0, then, save it.when aircrft loading into flight, weapon invisible. this equals setting weight stations 4-11 during Flight.
Bill Wolfgen "
Thank you Bill.