Bear Studios Sukhoi Su-30MK Released

Looks like a very intricate model with lots of effects.
... but not available for FS9 alas, despite the 30 bucks you just handed over.
The flight model... taking off with afterburner puts you at 450 kts in a blink, at which point the elevator starts to flutter.
You then die.
The VC visual model is about the standard I remember from the ALPHASIM Flanker.
External model too.

Extensive systems modelling though, I imagine pretty cool in FSX with weapons available.
Although I would not consider actually installing FSX for this one.
No weapons for FS9 versions.... but the jet with all of the cockpit detail, and radar options are available. I have it, along with the J-10 (Chinese purpose build Su-27 by Bear Studios) for FS9. They run just fine on my system. The FM is a bit quick but I have never flown a real Su-27, or the Su-30. The FSX model of the Su-30 is a lot more immersive for that sim, and seems a lot more memory taxing. Still, if you like the model and it's worth the money to you... then by all means.

I posted this thread simply as information only.

... and thanks for so doing!
I'd thought it was FSX-only and out of reach.

I have the BS MiG-15 which I thoroughly enjoy, was perhaps expecting too much from this one.
(Although even a static weapons loadout would've been a nice gesture for FS9).
If I can work out the flutter issue I'll keep it.

Merry Christmas to all!