Beaufighter IIF



You intended this thread to be in CFS3, correct? I moved it for you. Can't help otherwise, though. :costumed-smiley-034
Just my tuppence:

The Beaufighter,,, one of me all-time favorites, but not with RR Merlin power!
Now, there's a certain matter of a V/C in desperate need(?) In the Beau....
Also the magnificent B-25 needs a pit*, wheels, nacelles and even a slightly better ".air" file :jump:
*(w/ a descent gunsight)
Ted, are you talking about the 3gb_Beaufighter_Mk1(NF)? Or the 3gb_Beaufighter_Mk_6(ITF)? I assume a NF version.
Boy oh boy...

If we had a decent v/c for our Beaus, '...they'd hafta come into my house and pry my cold dead fingers off the joystick' (just a passing thought) :engel016: