Beauforts are so Cute..Thanks..


Charter Member
Was planning to release a MAW set this Friday to stay in line with my 6 set in 6 weeks adventure..

But with these little toys I am amending this MAW set to include missions using these in missions from Malta..
Many Thanks to the Masters for these cute little birds..
Beautiful aircraft indeed!
:salute: :salute: :salute:
learning to fly these also, with some good effect.:isadizzy:

Well may be not that good, still having trouble landing and releasing bombs and torpedoes from the hobbit's flying position..

Blue one for water right, others for land..Cool I got it!

And they don't swim well either, Bummer.. maybe some floatation devices?
Hobbits hate water..

Maybe if I learn to fly more like the human types this will correct ..:icon_lol: :icon_lol:

Nope, like flying like hobbits are pose to, only way I can see out of these things..:cost1:

Thanks to ALL our Masters for these beautiful birds..
Off to learn how to land this better (on water)..

And when I was 8 years old I built my first model of one of these, thought it was cute then..Oh yea..