Beau's CFS3 website Hints & Tips?


Home for tea and tiffin!
Whilst clearing out my hard drive over the last few days, I came across a folder with some text files of hints & tips which I'd obviously copied from the forum (and then forgot about). This set me to think:isadizzy:. With the loss of our database here at SOH and it's vast repository of hints & tips, wouldn't it be a good idea to see if any of you motley crew out there had also done the same and then to pull it all together in one place e.g. Beau'sCFS3? It could also include any links to ther web resources that also have similar items.

Wotcha think?

hello m8...I find it a good idea....otherwise you could post em here and ask to be made a "sticky"

btw did u get my skin
Hints & Tips

Hi Sir Beaubrummie

I made the same thing You did and I have copies of several threads on my HD.
If You will arrange a sort of "pubblic back up" thread I am ready to share my little data base.

Awaiting to hear any news on the matter, cheers :ernae: and have always good flying.
