Beautiful skin


The Bordeaux-Red Baron
I just couldn't resist - don't these two screenshots almost look like some famous arial painter's oil on canvas :d (apart from the pixels-tried to wipe out most of them in Photoshop). Pic left: "Guiding a HANNOVER home" Pic right: "Gottcha!"
The pics show two of my own handmade skins for my PFALZ; and I wonder, if anyone else has created own skins? :mixedsmi:

It's a nice skin, and a good artistic impression. The base skin made by Makai, was very well detailed and accented the finer points of the Pflaz model created by Polovski.

Now... are you gunning for realism, or expression. If it's realism, then dump all neon and magenta type paints. Use Mauve, green, red.. and the rest of the primary and ticerary colors. Other colors simply did not exist. The mechanics mixed paint at the dromes and painted whatever the pilot wanted. The pilots were lucky if they had an artistic person on base that volunteered his time. If not, the designes were pretty basic. Hence why Jasta 11 looked basic as compared to Jasta 12, Jasta 5 and some of the MarieJagdstaffels.

If it's artistic, try and keep within the 'circa' of the time. Jim Dietz once told me that he simply paints an ace skin to match something that may have been based on looking at several circa photos of other aces. And it works.

A great start though. Thanks for posting, and keep-up the good work. Wait till you see your skins against the higher resoulution of Phase3. :)

Colours before RLM

Hi, Black Baron; think, you're right, my colours are way too modern :redf:. Thanks for all advice, I'll see, if I can find some more info about the colours of that time. Wouldn't be asthonished, when the Germans had them all properly listed and numbered (aren't we known for that?).
If anyone has closer info to that issue, please let me (and all the others) know.
unfortunately it seems you will find more information about german WW1 planes abroad than in Germany, because first almost all material was either destroyed by Germany/Turkey/Austria/Hungary/Bulgaria etc., or confiscated by the Entente nations, and second the small rests that now and then show up (e.g. in eBay, or other auctions) are quickly sold out by buyers all around the world, and mostly from the US - or so it seems.

There is a tendency e.g. in the aerodrome forum to hold back information, so if some certain persons have gathered some material they will not show it to others, or only for cash ("MY treasure!" lol). I refer to those unfruitful Lozenge discussions ... but not only. Fortunately not all - by far the most people at that forum are happy to help.

I think it is time to say that that i find a certain behaviour from our german compatriots, like presenting an old album from WW1 or whatever in eBay rather than donating or maybe selling it to a museum, an unprincipled behaviour to say at least.
But maybe this is partly due to my job, occasionally working in a museum ... :d

P.S. i like the skinning you did, also tried it myself, but gave up. Problem for me is when i open e.g. an Albatros skin file, this wood grain structure is so good, that trying to change a colour, or just "paint" shark teeth on it, the result is sooo ugly compared to what the original looked like ... i remember the RedBaron 3d, where it was quite easy to do it - but the colour schemes were so much more simple than those made by Pol, Stachel and others, for OFF ... :kilroy:

Your best single source would be Greg vanWyngarden's "Pfalz Scout Aces of World War I", from Osprey.

One of these days, when you've had the well deserved rest after the release of Phase 3, you've got to put together a skinning guide for those of us who can't seem to color inside the lines. I've been trying, to just add "decals" with almost no success. I'm too cheap to buy paintshop, so I use GIMP. Could that be my problem or am I just dyslexic when it comes to brushes and layers and such?

P.S., I love Dietz's work, as you can see by my signature. I actually got to model for one of his painings (I'm the one in blue, left-center)
I'd be happy to. :)

I own 2 of Dietz's works on print, one of them being the piece in your sig pic. In person, it's unreal!! He's a terrific guy that I've had many an email conversation with about everything from baseball to WWII and paints. I even asked his advice on using the swastika on my skins. He simply said go for it! It was part of history and will only offend the ones that want to be offended. When I was researching my Uncle's WWII history (508th 82nd) he gave me a bunch of men to call in the 82nd's HQ that paved the way for me. Now that's an awesome guy!

The other piece I own of his is the Voss fight. It's massive and takes up my wall behind my desk.

Hi, Black Baron; think, you're right, my colours are way too modern :redf:. Thanks for all advice, I'll see, if I can find some more info about the colours of that time. Wouldn't be asthonished, when the Germans had them all properly listed and numbered (aren't we known for that?).
If anyone has closer info to that issue, please let me (and all the others) know.

Don't be afraid to be creative. The use of bold, thick stripes you have is perfect WWI circa. Even having the whole tail painted from the cockpit back it correct. It's just the colors. Keep them slightly faded and desaturated so they are not as bold.

The key is to blend the aircraft's colors with the levels of colors that are in the scenery. I'm not talking about greens, and browns, I am talking about how vibrant the colors are. If you do that, they blend in nicely and look more attractive and realistic.

Post more when you make them. :) The Pfalz is the best. It was the most radically painted German craft other then the Hannover and Halberstad 2-seaters. The Aviatik Berg is pretty insane, but only by lozenge pattern, not by what was painted on it.

Don't be afraid to be creative. The use of bold, thick stripes you have is perfect WWI circa. Even having the whole tail painted from the cockpit back it correct. It's just the colors. Keep them slightly faded and desaturated so they are not as bold.

The key is to blend the aircraft's colors with the levels of colors that are in the scenery. I'm not talking about greens, and browns, I am talking about how vibrant the colors are. If you do that, they blend in nicely and look more attractive and realistic.

Post more when you make them. :) The Pfalz is the best. It was the most radically painted German craft other then the Hannover and Halberstad 2-seaters. The Aviatik Berg is pretty insane, but only by lozenge pattern, not by what was painted on it.


Such a talented Chap!!........ IF I started now, I would have died of old age long before I got anything that looked 25% as good as your stuff OVS!!!:applause: