Beaver Creek CYXQ scenery for FS9

So glad you like it Ed! The occassional "thank you" is all we expect in return for the time and effort we expend, and it means a lot to us. You made my day.

Happy flying! :wavey:
So glad you like it Ed! The occassional "thank you" is all we expect in return for the time and effort we expend, and it means a lot to us. You made my day.

Happy flying! :wavey:

Well then allow me to add my thank you. I have a bunch of your sceneries and consider you one of the premier scenery designers. Not to mention all of your objects.
Hey ... just curious .

Did you remove ALL the previous ( Pete & Sid's ) scenery for Beaver Creek ?

Because the half round hangar and the old FBO shouldn't be there between the ramp and the runway.

Just arrived and parked and no I deleted all Beaver Creek from Pete and Sid's. No half round hangers or old FBO anywhere.
Good catch Pete! I have removed the old and now all is well at Beaver Creek. BTW: I do not have UT installed - just a stanard install of FS 2004. Works very well with the scenery. Again, Sid and Pete, THANK YOU!! Take care.

Ooops - seems like I have to do a little cleanup to remove the older hangar:


Pablo Diaz's new dawn textures already installed, no UT.
Nice place to drop some cargo in the upcoming winter...

Thanks a lot, Pete&Sid! :applause:

You guys just made my day :jump:

It's so good to see others getting enjoyment out of the scenery we make.

I appreciate the comments and thanks.


Here's my little contribution to this lovely airstrip:


It's the ISDT ATR42-300 in First Air colours, requested by "Our man in Yellowknife", CG_1976.


Still WIP with the usual glitches to be ironed out, but she should be finished tomorrow... :jump:

thanks, Tom.
I was thinking the same thing. :salute:
after a frustrating search here,
I finally found it at flightsim.

many thanks, Sidney and Peter. :salute: