Beech 18 with Skis?

Milton Shupe

Staff Contributor
Staff member
I have been looking for a picture(s) of a Beech 18 on skis. This seems to be rare. Can anybody here offer up something like this?
Swedish Beech 18 with skis

I have been looking for a picture(s) of a Beech 18 on skis. This seems to be rare. Can anybody here offer up something like this?

I found some pics and scale drawings in a Swedish book about Swedish Air Force Transport Aircraft - hidden in my cellar! It's obvious a skis only version - not a wheels/skis.
I don't know if it's some standard version or a "homebuild" Swedish Version!
Here's a link to a 300 dpi, scale 1:72 drawing:

View attachment 2645
View attachment 2646
View attachment 2647

Kind Regards
Jan Konstmann
(Also: Alaskan Winds. AW242 ;-)