Beech V35 Bonanza


Charter Member

Went down to my local Flying Club today and found that one of our members has taken delivery of a V35 Bonanza. As its due for a new C of A over the next few weeks, the owner is interested to know if there is a good quality flightsim version available, for FS2004 or even FSX?

For an old aeroplane, you get a lot for your money. Suppose items such as these are going cheap, as its getting so costly to run them.

There's a Beech V-Tail stationed at KMFD and I have seen it flying around a fair bit...usually nice and low. Beautiful plane! I have a freeware V-Tail, can't remember who it's by, that is okay. I was working on a paint kit for it, but after encountering some rather odd texture mapping I gave up on it. Someday I might have to buy the Corenado one, as it looks really nice and I haven't tried any of their planes yet.

I know it isn't a Bonanza per se but this is pretty close. Also has a fictive 'V33' variant that looks suspicously like an M35 Bonanza. You'll need to get all three files to work in FS2004. IIRC the same thing is at Avsim as well; just look up Geoffrey Applegate. This one is one of my faves. Cushy interior, pretty quick, can put four adults in it and still have a full tank of gas. Not the best at high altitudes (after all it's naturally aspirated) but for mid-level VFR flying it just can't be beat:

FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Panels FS2004 Panel--Beechcraft B33
[SIZE=-1][ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: Size: 25,403 Date: 10-26-2003 Downloads: 939
[SIZE=-1] FS2004 Panel--Beechcraft B33. Updated panel and aircraft.cfg file for James Eden and Geoffrey Applegate's Beechcraft B33 Debonair. Original aircraft required (B33.ZIP). Updated by Jimmy Richards.[/SIZE]
FS2002 - FS2002 Aircraft FS2002 1962 Beechcraft B33 Debonair
[SIZE=-1][ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: Size: 45,964,112 Date: 01-28-2003 Downloads: 15,676
FS2002 1962 Beechcraft B33 Debonair. A replica of Geoffrey Applegate's real life Debonair. This full package includes almost a fully functional 2D panel with 2D side views taken in flight, 3D external model made in Gmax with nine different paint jobs (N1768G, N885T, RealityXP, N7991M, KLM, N1768J, G-COLA, D-EIWF, and ZK-MET), two varients (straight and v-tail) and 3D virtual cockpit. This is a complete package from the previously released version, and includes all patches up to this point. You do not need to download anything else for this version to work. By Geoffrey Applegate, James Eden, and RealityXP.[/SIZE]
FS2002 - FS2002 Aircraft FS2002 Beechcraft Debonair VC Update
[SIZE=-1][ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: Size: 7,282,525 Date: 10-05-2002 Downloads: 1,584
[SIZE=-1] FS2002 Beechcraft Debonair VC Update. A virtual cockpit update to Geoffrey Applegate's 1962 Beech B33 N1768G. Includes new virtual cockpit, revised textures, and a new (fictional) model with paint scheme. By James Eden.[/SIZE]
I like this one

This is the best oldie Bonanza for Fs2004;

Name: Size: 12,186,663 Date: 02-10-2005 Downloads: 7,633
FS2004 VFD 1948 Beechcraft Bonanza A35. Created using FSDS2.24 and using default gauges and sounds. Intended to recreat an early v-tail as accurately as possible. Includes 95% animated parts, detailed and animated VC, reflective textures, landing and nav lights, extending VHF antenna, checklist. By John Recker. Flight dynamics by Tom Goodrick.

much nicer VC panel

There is a much nicer vintage VC panel for the one at Flight Sim ,check their panels. It's been a long time since I installed it not sure if it's still there ,but wouldn't hurt to check around. Thats only for the older V-Tail the one Motormouse likes.
Brett Henderson built one that I have. I flew it all the way to the Olympics from my local airport KIRK in a few legs. I like it very much, but I bought a Carenado version anyway. Alejandro Rojas Lucena built one also. Both are available at

I can't thank you enough for replying to my query as to the Bonanza. I will follow up on all of your leads and hopefully we will find something that is of use. What a wonderful place this is, to learn about aviation. Thank you very much indeed.

I know I should have replied earlier, but have spent the last few days flying around England in an Auster AOP9. From one extreme to the other, you might say!!

Look forward to trying out the Bonanzas in due course and thanks once again.

Best wishes,
