Been busy making new paints.

Chuck Lawsen

Charter Member
Hello everyone, been busy with lots of new paints, a lot for vets. First off I’ve made 4 more WOP B-17’s – 2 for a vet (I make screen shots for them) and 2 I’ve published here (and some others I made to be used as “extras” for a video I made for a friend who lost his dad this year). Also, I’ve uploaded 3 Warbirdsim P-51b textures – 2 were for a video and another because I like doing shark mouths. Also I’ve made some prop textures for the MAAM DC3 passenger model with 4 different tip colors to make your add on repaints more accurate. I’m doing more paints for vets and will upload when done. Enjoy!
Thanks guys, good to hear from you Cees!, I've got more stuff in the works, a B-24 for a vet, some more mustangs for a Tuskegee airman that I've recently met and lives here. 2 weeks ago I had the pleasure to meet Bud Anderson for the 1st time, here's a couple shots with him, me and my grandson and also Bud and Ted Skrownek.
Outstanding Chuck! Already downloaded and in the barn. "Sky Clipper" has had several workouts. :ernae: :applause::applause:

Thank you!
