Been Looking Forward to this P.180 (Piaggio) - Released

It really is quite good. The sound is dead on for an Avanti II, for once the prop animation from startup to idle is smooth with no weird jerkiness, controls are smooth and responsive, and the systems work as the manual says. I was really looking forward to the P180, and was rewarded.
Just watched a video, sounds like the default TBM930 sounds??
Nope. Custom sounds recorded from a real P180. Sounds a little similar because they both use the same engine, but it's stereo separated dual engines and very different interior sounds (as you'd expect from a pair of pushers in the back vs a tractor in front). Sounds are really well done throughout the plane.
I am having trouble on take off with the plane yawing starboard. No amount of left rudder will correct it.

I am having trouble on take off with the plane yawing starboard. No amount of left rudder will correct it.

I picked this up last evening and have had one (1) whole (short...KVNV to KSRQ) flight, so my answer is based on that experience. The aircraft for me was very stable with no adverse characteristics. I did flare a couple feet higher than optimum and ended up with a solid arrival!

You might check you rudder trim settings. I have had flights start with the spoilers extended or other bits in a position I didn't expect (and didn't select). A quick control surface check prior to takeoff might help. (I apologize if I sound like Capt. Obvious!)
This plane is quite good and I'm enjoying the high altitude experience. I haven't worked much with FMCs, so I searched UTube for some guidance. This link is to one of the better bits of information I found -
I picked up the model and now feel it is the premier turboprop model in FS. It is well coded, smooth in system operation and autopilot function. It hand flies very predictably and the aerodynamics have a lot of subtleties in it like the pitchdown on gear extension with a drag component and AoA change on flaps extension. Best of all, the trim is very smooth, right where it should be, not porpoising up and down like a jeep with a shot suspension and shocks on a goat trail of a dirt road. I love it! Been awaiting a great P.180 model and now we have one! Now, if we can just get these guys or Nick Black to build us an MU-2 of this caliber, I'll be fat and happy!
I picked up the model and now feel it is the premier turboprop model in FS. It is well coded, smooth in system operation and autopilot function. It hand flies very predictably and the aerodynamics have a lot of subtleties in it like the pitchdown on gear extension with a drag component and AoA change on flaps extension. Best of all, the trim is very smooth, right where it should be, not porpoising up and down like a jeep with a shot suspension and shocks on a goat trail of a dirt road. I love it! Been awaiting a great P.180 model and now we have one! Now, if we can just get these guys or Nick Black to build us an MU-2 of this caliber, I'll be fat and happy!
Agree totally. LOVE the P.180. And couldn't agree more about getting a proper MU-2.
