

When I start to load FSGWS at the splash screen my machine is giving me one beep. Although the program seems to be working okay I wonder what this beep is telling me. No other programs cause a beep. Any ideas?

Does the beep come from your speakers or directly from the computer itself?

If it comes direct from your pc then it could be a memory issue. When you fire up FSGW it is using a large amount of RAM memory to load as the Fs9 bits etc. If you have a problem memory module, then possibly the BIOS/motherboard would make that sound, but usually only on start-up of the pc?

If it comes from the speakers, then that is very odd. If you start FSGW with a key press, not a mouse icon click, then it could be a sticky key. Try another keyboard, and see. Or you may be resting your hand/finger/desktop item on one of the keys.



Does the beep come from your speakers or directly from the computer itself?

If it comes direct from your pc then it could be a memory issue. When you fire up FSGW it is using a large amount of RAM memory to load as the Fs9 bits etc. If you have a problem memory module, then possibly the BIOS/motherboard would make that sound, but usually only on start-up of the pc?

If it comes from the speakers, then that is very odd. If you start FSGW with a key press, not a mouse icon click, then it could be a sticky key. Try another keyboard, and see. Or you may be resting your hand/finger/desktop item on one of the keys.



It comes from the speakers, I start it with a mouse click and the sim is running fine with plenty of memory. ONLY FSGW causes the beep! That means it is somehow related to the program.
Now that is weird!

Never heard of that before.

How long does the beep go on for? And is it a beep as in a computer starting memeory check beep, or a specific sound/noise/note?

Do you have any software or pc settings that aids usage or access to the pc?

Now that is weird!

Never heard of that before.

How long does the beep go on for? And is it a beep as in a computer starting memeory check beep, or a specific sound/noise/note?

Do you have any software or pc settings that aids usage or access to the pc?


Short beep about .5 sec. It sounds similar to a nav tone in the sim. No settings on the PC doing it. FSX loads with no beep, so it has to be FSGW causing it. I assume it's some built in warning by MS but I don't know how to find out what it might mean.
Weirder and weirder!

I only fly in FSGW when using Fs9 and have never heard a thing on firing up the sim.

I bet it is standard Fs9 selection click wav. Go to the main sim files location and remove the click.wav from the sim (place it outside the sim). This wav sounds a bit like a very short ILS approach beep. Go test.

If it's not that then go to your main sound folder in the sim, make a new folder (named anything) and place all the sounds into that. Then remove this new folder to the desktop etc, leaving the Sound folder empty. Again test.

It may be a glitch with your Fs9.cfg file, you could try copying it to safe place, then deleting the main version. FSGW/Fs9 will re-build it when you start the sim, but all your settings will be lost and you will have to re-configure them, but may get rid of the beep/click. If it's not this, you can replace the new cfg file with the saved old one and you will get all your settings back.

I checked all those things before I gave up and posted here. It is something I can live with I was just curious.
Well it must be your OS generating it then. Strange as it is, but if you can live with it then ok

Be interesting to find out what's causing it......

Two things come to mind. One, something ancillary to the sim starting up is unable to progress, hence a beep. Checking your systems Event Viewer may help though it shows a lot of info. Second, I had a similar event that turned out to be associated with the aircraft loading with the sim. It had a complex panel with something that made a cockpit sound during the loading period. Switching out the startup aircraft fixed the issue. Hope this helps.