Belgian Battle WIP


Charter Member 2016
As the existing Belgian skin for the ETO Battle is pretty rough - I did it a long time ago - there's a new one on the way. I just need to tidy up a few details, such as what colour the underside really was, etc, etc... There seem to be two schools of thought here. Some say pale grey-blue, some black. As the one in the Brussels Air Museum has black undersides, I've gone for black - in anybody knows, they will! But if anybody can confim, I'd be grateful. Also - were underwing serials and roundels carried, or not? Inverted on one wing - read from outboard to inboard in each direction, RAF style, or both facing forward?

See all the hard work we have to do to keep you people happy? :wave:
To make things more complicated: I recieved this picture from the Belgian guy who manages the Belgian (be) website.

(Some days it is good to be dutch!:Banane40:)

Good morning,

Pictures tell the story.. so herewith a pic showing the lower surfaces of Belgian Battle T-68 (the drawing posted by remcoc is based on this pic).
Belgain Battles always had their lower surfaces in grey with large individual registration and completed with a Belgian roundel.
t68_dbx_04 small.jpg

Confusing is brought about by the fact that the Battle in the Brussels Air Museum is still in the basic RAF c/s painted by the previous British owners.
Restorers merely painted the Belgian Roundels over the RAF ones.
Interesting to know also is that Belgian Battles had a much longer radiator intake duct, different exhaust pipes and a more streamlined (and thus lower) cockpit canopy. Fortunately these are not very visible details which wouldn't affect the looks of your model.

Best regards,

Daniel Brackx
Well, this is where I stopped last night when I finally decided to go to bed. Getting there...

The codes need to be a bit heavier, but all in all, it's not far off. Next question - they had technical information stencilled on the rudder, the same way the French did. Anybody know what it actually said? I can see it's there, but can't actually read it. On a hi-res skin, it'll be legible.

Thanks, Toxisch and Remcoc!
Hi Nigel,

I include herewith a detailed shot of what is marked on the tail of the Belgian Battle's. I think it reads (pls check):
PT 4990K
PU 980K
PV 3247K
ESS 723K


Best Regards,

Daniel Brackx