Bell 206 sounds


I know there are one or two good sets for this out there. But the last two times I sat by one that was idling during a hot load I was wondering how hard it would be to add that brash loud turbine sound. The sets I know of don't delineate between idle and power up and pretty much have an inside, an outside, and a startup/shutdown file. Lots of aircraft have sounds for various RPMs and power settings so why can't this?
Might be worth a road trip to the great Greek oracle (aka Nigel) but be sure to bring along a few goat skin flasks of Ouzo to put him in the proper mood:running:
In order to have separate sounds for the turbine and rotors for a helicopter, you'll need a configuration setup similar to the HC412 by Jordan Moore. Fortunately, you are in of my future projects involves the Bell 206 and custom designed gauges similar to what Jordan did to his 412. This will take some time for me to do as I have the Bell 222 to finish up which has this setup BTW. I will post more info when the time comes.
Too bad that when I was in the Jet Ranger community FS was just in it's infancy, could have recorded some great sounds - looking forward to some results here ... Mike