Bell UH1H and 205 Huey


Ladies and gents,

Work in progress....

Bell 205A/205A1 commercial Huey

This one will have several versions including standard, fire attack with belly tank, bambi bucket, search & rescue, float.


Bell UH1D/UH1H military Huey
This one will be offered in several variants including slick, gunship, medevac. All with or without wirecutters. Commercialised UH1H Huey will be offered with similar variants as the 205A.

Also planned is the 205HP/UH1HP Huey II, Agusta/Bell AB205, Agusta Bell AB212 and UH1N twin engined Huey. As always, this will take some time, but will get done:icon29:

BTW......Bell UH1N:wiggle:

Now we're talking business! :icon_lol:

This is from my hometown:
It's an US Army Aviation Berlin Brigade Huey - painted in high gloss olive drab. Part of the soundtrack of my childhood...

Thank you for doing this one!

It will be great to have an authentic UH-1H without the wirecutters, circa the 60s and the 70s. Any plans for the door mounted M-60 machine guns in the model?
I'm really looking forward to the UH-1D/H, logged a lot of hours riding around in those.

Is there any chance we might see a UH-1C/M someday?
Any Chance we'll see the Bell 204? This model IMHO has been grosely neglected here in FS2004. I'd love to see one get the attention here that Nemeth is finally giving it in FSX. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE:applause:
The only helo model I ever put together was the D model Huey. That was 25 or so years ago, maybe pushing 30 years ago (when did I get OLD?)...and to this day, the D model is my fave variant of the Huey. I don't do much helo stuff in FS9...but look forward to the D model for it going to be payware or freeware?


I flew in D models quite a bit as well as the older Charley and the later Hotel models.

I think the only difference between the D and the H was more horsepower from the engine. Externally you couldn't tell them apart and for planning purposes (air assault) we didn't make any distinction between the two. The Charley model didn't have as much space as they didn't have the gun wells for the door gunners.

The Charleys usually got outfitted with rockets and extra guns and were called Hogs v. Slicks for the troop carriers. Charleys had a more capable rotor system and that rotor system was adapted to the later Cobra gun ships.
@Jagdflieger: You correct sir. Only difference from the D and the H Huey is the engine power. 1,100shp T53L-11 in the D and the 1,400shp T53L-13 in the H...although many D models were converted into H models or the UH1HP with 1,800shp T53L-703. Another difference between the D and the H is the location of the pitot tubes. On the D, its on the nose and on the H, its above the cabin

@OBIO: Freeware as this uses files from Jordan Moore's Bell 412 and UH1 source files, plus new parts including rotor by Nobu Aki

@sctybdy: Eyeing the 204 "Baby Huey" for a future project, but I want to get the current ones out before starting another helicopter.
What about the new Yankee Hueys that Marines are getting, any plans for that one? The only reason I ask is because one of my buds is now in the Corps and got assigned to work on the new Yankee Huey's and Zulu Cobra.
Thanks Eurostar, I'm already lickin my chops. In any form, I always love seeing a new Huey roll off the virtual production floor. I wish I had the talent you guys have that make this wonderful stuff for us. Keep up the good work, and long live the HUEY!!!:ernae: