Bermuda Triangle in the UK?


Staff member
I just took a flight through the Twilight Zone. I was taking a short flight from a small airport to Newcastle and just after take off decided to make it ILS since the weather was crappy. So I set up the ILS clearance and started following ATC's vectors. . . .turn right, hdg 350. . .climb and maintain 4000. I was already heading 350 according to FSNav, but the compass showed that I wasn't by about 20 degrees, the info across the top of the screen (shift+Z) said I was off by 10 degrees. So it continued throughout the 35nm flight. At one point ATC (which had just asked me to turn rt to 010) came back and asked me to expedite my turn to 020 and as I came around to 020 (by this time I was only following the compass as it seemed to be correct) ATC demanded that I expedite my turn to 025. Slowly, in 5 to 10 degree increments ATC moved me around to downwind leg to Newcastle rwy 25. Finally, as I was traveling south at 160 degrees and with the ILS quickly approaching on my right they tell me to turn rt to 135 degrees and decend to 1700 until established. Needless to say a turn to 135 at that point would have been a left turn, not a rt and in the opposite direction from the rwy. I cut off from the ILS, landed manually and taxied off the rwy without ATC ever recognizing that I was there.

Where am I. . . .really? lol:isadizzy:
Did you do any Slewing at the airport prior to take off?

Some times maybe all the time if you slew and rotate the heading gets off on the compas.

The correction is to reset your Gyro. Press the D key by default. That is usually the culprit when it happens to me.

Other than that Welcome to the Twilight Zone...:applause:
I have developed the habit of hitting the D and B keys to make sure that my heading (D) and altitude (B) are synched with the sim.

But I do believe that there is a Bermuda Triangle type thing in my sim...and it is mobile and chases my planes around. No matter where I start my flight, sooner or later that Bermuda Triangle thingiemajig catches up with my plane and I crash. Happens almost every time.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

i also hit the "d" and "b" keys to try to keep sync'd up. however, there are certain aircraft that i get bad readings from most of the time.
I think I've got a Twilight Zone over northern Illinois. I can be headed for Chicago and about 100nm out I'll get a comp reboot.
I just remembered about the South American Triangle in the 1941 event we had last year. It took out Taco, Moses03, and PRB if I am remembering correctly. I personally struggled with the controlls of the aircraft for over an hour trying to keep it in the air to get to Bolivia. The problem was caused by a weather update sent out by Jeppsen. I ran into the same problem a month later in the same area. I cleared the weather that time and it went away. Later I accidentally created the problem in a Weather Theme that I created. I would fly up to 1200' and the engine would loose power and cut out. I think the problem was caused by an incorrect barometric pressure level.
That kinda makes sense, didn't they attribute the mystery of the BT to low density gasses venting from under the sea bed? It caused the water density and air density to drop to such levels that ships could no longer float on the 'water' and planes dropped out of the 'thin' (ie not able to provide lift) air? IIRC it was something like that, a theory at least.

Maybe the real weather wasn't erronious after all?

Yeah twas. I saw a documentary on that and they got a motor boat to sink when they blew bubbles from some pipes beneath it.
I wonder if the TSR2 woulda survived flying through something like that? on the premmise that when a plane flies fast enough it no longer relies on the lift provided by it's wings, but becomes more like a projectile. But with the air cushion below it being less plump, who knows?

Dunno, anyone fancy a trip to Cosford via Gatwick, where there are 2 zero time Olympuses for the TSR2. About a zillion man hours later we might find out! Come on, if a Vulvan can fly so can TSR2!

For we are the GAR; Guerilla Aircraft Restoration

I believe I may have got carried away:engel016:
Yeah twas. I saw a documentary on that and they got a motor boat to sink when they blew bubbles from some pipes beneath it.

I think they did that on one of the Myth Busters shows. I think they proved that with enough gas exspelling from the sea floor you could sink a boat but they could not generate enough gas to thin the air enough to keep a plane from flying. Their tests showed that the methonal gas level has to be too high to kill the engine when it was on the ground.

Anyway interesting thoughts
I saw a documentary about the Triangle, where they tested the theory that methane gas being released from the ocean floor could kill an airplane engine. They had the same engine used in the Avenger on a truck thingie, had it running, pumped some methane gas into the intake and the engine quit running. I'm a bit hazy on the amount of methane needed to kill the engine.

there is also an airport in baltimore that has a weird thing about it. when you load the flight on the active, you appear in the middle of the runway, pointing 90 degrees to the correct heading.
If you think that's wierd...I have found a few airports that have super magical metal powers and are able to levitate their runways. One runway is about 30 feet off the ground...I can fly under the runway! Most likely the stock scenery not liking the replacement mesh I am using...Rhumbafloppy's world mesh...have only found 3 or 4 like that thus of them being the updated Pattonville...which is a real shame as that is a nice looking scenery and it is unusable on my system.

Can't you open the Airport in AFCAD when that happens and change the airport height to the same as the ground?

Might be talking rubbish, its just something that rings a faint bell in the back of my mind