Besides the forum here & at SimHQ, there is also...


This is certainly worth considering as well while we wait to see if things work themselves out here or wait for a new OBD BHH forum.

Well Combatace has over 36,000 registered members and close to 3 million downloads of the files stored there (I'm just stating facts to give some sort of an idea to others who have never heard of it and i want to say that i love both sim hq and SOH). This makes it larger than SimHq and Sim out house combined (I'm the site owner and it's also a not for profit site, so no annoying pop ups or anything like that).

But what I think is that SOH is being gracious enough to let us continue to talk here for the moment and we should also refrain from slamming SOH in any way shape or form like was done in the other thread. That's just my 2 cents. It was locked before I could state my opinion.
Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag and smile boys smile..... what's the use of worryin'....? I stand with my team and will support the change as best I can. OBD-Winder, Polovski et al and the gracious members of the forum can startup a new forum and be all the better for it. Thanks to all at SOH, a class act. And smile boys, smile.... It's a long way to Tiparrary, it's a long way to go... over there, over there....:ernae:eek:h the yanks are comin':friday: over there...
(I'm the site owner and it's also a not for profit site, so no annoying pop ups or anything like that).

Geez Mk2, I didn't know that ! I'd better be careful what I say over there lol. So it was you that implemented the recent OFF forum at Combatace ? Who influenced you to try out OFF BHAH ?

I ask because the few times that I entered a discussion about OFF at Combatace my perception (rightly or wrongly) was that there was a lot of negativity (particularly from the First Eagles fans) citing the usual excuses ($50 too much and CFS3 too old an engine) which only served to ensure I seethed with anger through clenched teeth and a stiff upper lip whilst throwing a few flippant comments their way. Such is my love for OFF.

It seems there is a more tolerant attitude there now. Good job.
I have also a dedicated OFF Forum on Wings Of Honor since 2 years. Besides the other forums for the other W.W.I flight sims. Just to add to the options.
Thanks for the heads up,

I didnt know that OFF existed on the combat ace forum, :ernae:

This makes it larger than SimHq and Sim out house combined

Just for the record and to not start a pissing contest SimHQ regularly purges it's registrations list thus deleting inactive users. Current active users are listed only.
It would seem we may have some wonderful alternatives. I of course will support whatever the developement team decides. I see advantages to the existing forums and a fresh from scratch one as well. Ah, new beginnings, rather enjoy the idea somehow. We have our sim and we have one another. Rather a good lot we are I'ld say, us trouble makers, hehhehe. If only we could meet those who would cause us harm online and settle disputes in the air. Have at each other. Perhaps going 2 for 3. The loser is dead on the topic, alright then, let's move on. Maybe a kill board showing disputes settled, losers and victors. Oh I do babble on, sorry gents.
Geez Mk2, I didn't know that ! I'd better be careful what I say over there lol. So it was you that implemented the recent OFF forum at Combatace ? Who influenced you to try out OFF BHAH ?

I ask because the few times that I entered a discussion about OFF at Combatace my perception (rightly or wrongly) was that there was a lot of negativity (particularly from the First Eagles fans) citing the usual excuses ($50 too much and CFS3 too old an engine) which only served to ensure I seethed with anger through clenched teeth and a stiff upper lip whilst throwing a few flippant comments their way. Such is my love for OFF.

It seems there is a more tolerant attitude there now. Good job.

The SIM HQ review prompted me to take the OFF plunge. Also I think the comments you heard were from members who had not seen P3 yet because it was not available at the time.

In my humble opinion anyone that pays for P3 and still says its not worth the money either has a PC that can't run it or they know little about combat simming.

OFF P3= masterpiece.

The OBD guys changed the opinions not me.

Stormtrooper: good to know , I love simhq its one of my favorite all time sites any genre and I wish everyone there growth and prosperity, the bigger SIMHQ is the better it is for combat sims in general (which in my opinion has started to become an ever dwindling genre).
MK2, you sir are IMHO, a bonafide gentleman. You know quality and appreciate the rarity to be found in such an experience as OFF BHAH. Thanks for your input in this forum and by the way I saw some of your fine autograph collection over at the Aerodrome. I'm glad these things are in your appreciative hands.
Stormtrooper: good to know , I love simhq its one of my favorite all time sites any genre and I wish everyone there growth and prosperity, the bigger SIMHQ is the better it is for combat sims in general (which in my opinion has started to become an ever dwindling genre).

...and likewise to CombatAce of which i have many skins for the Thirdwire series uploaded there. :)

Great to see ya Mk2.
Ladies & Gents, Winder is posting at CombatAce so it appears that it is going to be the stop-gap forum until the dedicated OBD forum is set up.

Just a heads up.
Well Combatace has over 36,000 registered members and close to 3 million downloads of the files stored there (I'm just stating facts to give some sort of an idea to others who have never heard of it and i want to say that i love both sim hq and SOH). This makes it larger than SimHq and Sim out house combined (I'm the site owner and it's also a not for profit site, so no annoying pop ups or anything like that).

But what I think is that SOH is being gracious enough to let us continue to talk here for the moment and we should also refrain from slamming SOH in any way shape or form like was done in the other thread. That's just my 2 cents. It was locked before I could state my opinion.
an extremely great gesture and
thanks, i have no beef with the Off team
a wonderful bunch of people
and talented to boot
I little help please. I registered with combatace and did the email thing and am recognized when I log in but I don't seem to be able to add reply. It seems I was the village idiot here and that I will fufill the same role at combatace. What do I need to do besides replace my moron chip?
The error returned was:

Sorry, you do not have permission to reply to that topic :help:
I'm in, I'm there thanks to any concerned. I learned to read ya know.:kiss:
So....will CombatAce be the new official forum?
