Best and easiest converter


Charter Member
I see many people converting over aircraft from FSX/P3D into FS2020. But since they're payware, not released. I'd like to convert some of mine, but have no idea as to which is the best and easiest to follow. I've found Plane Converter and MSFS Legacy Converter. Any thoughts? Thanks!
I see many people converting over aircraft from FSX/P3D into FS2020. But since they're payware, not released. I'd like to convert some of mine, but have no idea as to which is the best and easiest to follow. I've found Plane Converter and MSFS Legacy Converter. Any thoughts? Thanks!
There is a thread on here about that program, because I had asked how to use it. Do some search, and hopefully you'll find it. I personally have not mastered how to use it, and am satisfied for now, with what is available. But let me know how things go. NC
Just to set expectations, between reduced support in MSFS for legacy content and general limitations, the converter is best for exterior screenshots. Instruments are quirky, clickspots break, converted planes don't work in VR, and flight models are wacky.

TL;DR: Unless you just want to see your FSX/P3D planes look pretty, fly them in FSX/P3D and don't bother with the converter. You'll save yourself a lot of headaches.
Just to set expectations, between reduced support in MSFS for legacy content and general limitations, the converter is best for exterior screenshots. Instruments are quirky, clickspots break, converted planes don't work in VR, and flight models are wacky.TL;DR: Unless you just want to see your FSX/P3D planes look pretty, fly them in FSX/P3D and don't bother with the converter. You'll save yourself a lot of headaches.
I do tend to agree, but I am hopeful for a F-4J Phantom and A-7E Corsair II someday...NC
I did a lot of importing FSX/P3D aircraft back in the day when MSFS aircraft tended to the pitiful - most looked pretty good and some could be made to fly OK, but successive Microsobo updates killed them, especially in VR, and I only fly VR.
I don't see it worthwhile importing any more - MSFS now has some excellent addons and I'd rather fly them (and go back to P3D if I HAVE to have something specific not yet out for MSFS).

I am hopeful for a F-4J Phantom
SWS are reportedly doing an F4J
I still fly converted legacy planes quite a lot. Some of them convert very well, they cover types that have not been released in MSFS yet and some of them are superior in both appearance and flight model to existing MSFS payware of the same types.

However, it is a bit late to get into this scene. Not many people are actively converting planes. Legacy Importer is a good app but it has not been updated, and will no longer produce a flyable plane after the last few Sim Updates unless you do some things manually, and I have not seen an easy recipe for doing those extra things. Those same updates have degraded both the performance and appearance of legacy planes somewhat. The "legacy flight model" still exists but no longer really works, and the sim's rendering has been altered so that you cannot get a shiny or metallic finish on any plane that uses the old 3d model files, so only matte military planes look good any more. All of us still using legacy planes are doing so with the knowledge that any future sim update could break them completely and permanently.

I would say at this point that it is only worth teaching yourself to convert planes if you really like to tinker or if there are specific FSX/P3D planes that are favorites and that you are dying to try in the sim. Consult threads like the legacy aircraft thread on this forum to find out if that plane has converted successfully for others or if you would just be wasting your time on it.

Good luck,

Thank you for the honest answers. Seems this will be more of a headache than reward. So I guess I'll wait and see if my favorites from P3D, eventually make it over. Regards-Jeff