All of the troubles I had with the, errr...."free" Win10 update resulted in a badly damaged system. Repairing the damage required a new hard drive, a completely different version of Windows and going to a hard core security. As it turned out, I had been severely hacked. My disk management had been removed to a remote location and was being manipulated by outside "help". Needless to say...I was not very pleased. Not wanting to ruffle feathers, but when folks say Win10 is the greatest thing on wheels...I don't quite share that opinion.
I've had to start from absolute zero with a blank WD Black hard drive, reinstalling all of my software and the sim which lives on a separate SSD, but was also borked by the hack. The whole boondoggle cost me a few hundred bucks. I'm just now getting back up to speed.
On the suggestion of the gentleman who assisted while I traversed the abyss, I purchased ESET Security. It was the first thing I installed when I booted the new OS. I'm watchin my six pretty closely now, and haven't seen any evidence of visitors with the new security.
It's very good in my opinion, and reasonably priced. Give it a look and do some comparison shopping.