Mick, that's good info on FSX, and since I'm running it also I'll implement what you say - that is, as soon as I get this FS9 stuff sorted out.
Tarpsbird, I tried installing ArrCab last night. I'm transferring aircraft over from the old FS9 install that have the "meatball" gauge already installed in their panel config. Last night's example was an A-3. I can get the cat shot, with sound, without a problem. The issue arises upon return to the ship, since the "Carriers 2004" install I have placed a CV, for example, near the N/S Korea border, in the Sea of Japan. On the way back to the boat I cycle through the available carriers using the "+" and "-" keys on the meatball but have only three choices and the rest of the boats don't show up all - including the one I just left from.
I remember from doing several installs in the old copies of the sim there is a file somewhere in one of the folders where you add the new cat and trap zones for all the other carriers, but I can't remember the name of the file, or where it is.