Best Freeware Video Capture Program For FS


SOH Staff
I want to raise the bar and move on from screenshots to videos. I have tried FRAPS, but it is limited in quality & timeframe.

Any ideas Guys? Mike :wavey:
I use fraps with FsRecorder. Combo works great.

Thanks for the HU, I too am curious as to how to proceed...
I got stuck in a dead end about a year ago, had the FS Recorder results nicely transferred to Fraps but obviously the file size now has to be reduced to more manageable dimensions.
This is where I started banging my head against the wall - I simply couldn't figure out which app to use to achieve this. Each guide / manual I consulted suggested a different program but none of the authors would explain how to use it :isadizzy:

In short, if you could bring yourself to give us a nudge in the right direction your fan base will quadruple in no time and now I'm just rambling :kilroy:

Please help with just a few basic hints and thank you very much in advance :guinness:
To convert a video file from a type to another, use Total Video Converter. It's quite complete in itself and doesn't need any other program's help (unless you want to use Matroska or OGM container file formats, file types rarely used for aviation purposes) to convert from a type of AVI to another with different codec and compression values. It supports a lot (if not all) video formats, among which it has even the .FLV compression used on Youtube. :bump:

Only small problem? It's payware. :pop4:

I know you asked for a freeware, but really Total Video Converter is worth its money. I had your same problems (on another field) and could not get a totally reliable freeware video file converting tool. :isadizzy:
i use Sony Vegas Pro 9.0, its good, you just have to learn video layering and adding the after effects, like fading to vintage footage and from it, ooh i might have to make a video now you reminded me about videos :icon_lol: someone pick a theme........

The one thing we must consider when making videos out of game play is FPS. Fraps in the freeware mode does an excellent job at capturing video. One of the reasons why is it records raw video which you may have notice is large. If Fraps had to encode at the same time it would take much more processing power resulting in a loss of FPS.

Of course Fraps in the freeware version is limited in time and has the watermark. This is not a bad thing. This gives you a chance to work on the video you capture because after you capture it the next thing you must do is start editing it.

So now we move from capturing to editing video what software do we use?

Good question I have used Windows Movie Maker, and Nero but neither was I happy with. Movie maker is too limited and Nero is payware.

The one I will be trying is Gimp with Gimp Gap.

Gimp is a freeware image editing software along the lines of Photo-shop. Gimp Gap is a Plugin (also freeware) used for editing video with Gimp.

I have been using Gimp for my latest works...

I know nothing major just some fun stuff for here at the Outhouse. My new modified avatar was created with Gimp. My sig pic was created by gimp and is a link to our Teams entry in the Evita Race in another forum at the Outhouse. As with everything else it takes a lot of time to learn but it is always rewarding.

I can not give you any details on it the video editor yet but if you start to look at it I bet it will fill the bill.

Two things to consider when approaching video with Fraps. Small clips maybe the way to go. Your going to edit them together anyway. Once you learn your editor you may very well be able to remove the Fraps water mark.

Once you get comfortable with recording and editing video Pony up and pay for the upgrade of Fraps. It will be worth it.

HUMMMM I think I have an Idea!

It will come later.


ps a small note:

I know Fraps does not work well for some users and i don't know why but it has always worked well for me. Another reason to try the freeware version before you purchase it.
Thank you all for your suggestions Gents. I'll have to retrace my steps to see where exactly I got stuck in the past. You will hear from me again I'm afraid, in any case I'll wait for Flyboy208 before I butt in again :ernae:
For video capture Flyboy, I am afraid you are stuck with FRAPS. It is the only program I know of that will do it.

As mentioned by Trans, I often use the FSRecorder and sometimes FS9's Instant repaly. If one adds the lines HideInfoText=1 in the [MAIN] section of the FS9.cfg, the Replay text will not appear.

I get excellent results recording FS9, good to excellent in FSX.

Try setting FRAPS for half-screen and 25 fps.

I use Song Vegas Movie Studio 9 for editing, it is a cheap version of their Movie Studio Pro, which is beyond my knowledge to use. But Windows Movie Maker is built in to XP and Vista, free, and very user friendly. I started making videos with it and still use it on occasion simply because of its simplicity of use.

just in case you ever want to get into "pro level" capturing, this card is awesome!

since it's a pass-through card, you don't loose any performance (unlike Fraps and other software capture, which requires huge CPU & RAM usage).

With this card, you can capture games/videos at FULL HD res! without a single hit on the CPU...which means the smoother your PC can run the game, the smoother it will capture.

This is why some game videos on youtube look butter smooth...

Thanks everyone for your contributions & recommendations, this will really be a big help to me.

Cheers! Mike :ernae:
Gents, I have already captured with Fraps. As you all have so rightly pointed out, the file size is huge.
Two tasks I am facing next i.e. transcoding the file size to a smaller one and editing.
My questions:
*Do I resize first and then edit - or the other way around
*Using AVS Converter what do I convert my files to? Note my Fraps files are AVI (Container - Format... I do not know)

AVS Converter gives me the following options:

To MP4
To Flash
To 3GP

Which one should I use? Thanks in advance.
Edit first so you maintain the original integrity of the files, save the master, then resize the final cut.
I usually upload WMV at 720p which is viewable in High Definition.
File sizes are large, though (easily 100MB) so try saving in any of the formats that Youtube accepts until you are comfortable with the upload size.

Editing rule: when you are 100% happy with the result, cut at least another 50% off the clip!
Wing Z thank you for this no nonsense crash course. I have all the required software though it will take me a while to experiment, fall flat on my face, pick myself up again and start over. In case of major setbacks I shall return and pester you again :icon_lol:

FengZ your trying to lead me on the path of black magic has certainly not gone unnoticed ;) ...thank you for that - bookmarked. I'm afraid I won't be considering this option before I contemplate on my next rig as my current one is somewhat cramped.

Thank you all for taking time to help :guinness::guinness::guinness: