Can anyone recommend any single or twin engine sounds for military aircraft. Freeware or payware isn't a problem, ideally just looking for some powerful engine sounds.
If a strong twin piston powered (radial) soundset is what you're after, then check out Nigel's "Fast Cat" sound pack. It's here in the library, just search "Fast Cat". I use it primarily for Milton's F7F-3 and 3N Tigercat but it would be suitable for most twin radial engine piston powered planes.
There are a host of new goodies in the pipeline - both freeware and payware.
Hopefully, some of the kind recommendations mentioned may cover your requirements.
If you're looking for single engined pistons, I'd add the Republic 'experimentals' to the list as a source for the more powerful end of the range.
They include both radial and inline engine soundsets.
The sounds are not stand alone, but part of Milton's XP-47j, XP-47H and XP-72 complete aircraft packages, so downloading these will be necessary in order to access the sounds.
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