Best Ground Texturs For Stock CFS3


Charter Member
Just wondering what are the best textures I can add to stock CFS3?

I would like to give the stock campaign another go but the standard textures are looking very dated these days.

What do people use with stock installs?

Cheers MarkL
Hi Mark, Glad to see you're still around. :)

You have a few choices, all can be found here:

Johhno Uk's scenery is what is used in the ETO install and is what most people are using these days. Then there's Winding mans scenery manager which also improves the weather, seasons and missions. It's installation is a little more complicated than Johnnos.

Von Oben also did a mod for the Winding man package which uses Johnnos textures as a base, this is really very good.

Plus there's a few others in there which are a tad dated.

Lastly there's the photo scenery which I stuck into the BoB install but it's not available seperately and only has spring/summer textures.


Hello Pat

Thanks for the reply. I will look for "Johhno Uk's scenery" I once tried Windings Mans manager but could not work it out. I am always dropping by the forums but do not often post.

Wish we could port over the WOFF textures I just love those, they are better than FSX fo rmy liking.

: Edit there seems to be two scenery sets that may be "Johhno Uk's scenery" the six part "jbsceneryV3" abd two part "new groundscenery" with the pictures. I am guessing the second one, is that correct?

Cheers MarkL
Wish we could port over the WOFF textures I just love those, they are better than FSX fo rmy liking.

It's possible as I've done it ;)


: Edit there seems to be two scenery sets that may be "Johhno Uk's scenery" the six part "jbsceneryV3" abd two part "new groundscenery" with the pictures. I am guessing the second one, is that correct?

As far as I remember you need to download and install the 6 parts and then put V3 over the top of it. It can't really go wrong as it doesn't overwrite any stock textures (apart from the water).
I have JonnoUk's scenery with Winding Man's Scenery, VonOben's 7 season scenery, ETO New Environment 2.0 and the WOFF HD Cloud textures. When I release my BoB series, I have a list of downloads you may be looking for

It's possible as I've done it ;)


As far as I remember you need to download and install the 6 parts and then put V3 over the top of it. It can't really go wrong as it doesn't overwrite any stock textures (apart from the water).

Hello Pat,
That looks really nice, sent you a PM.

Cherers MarkL
I have JonnoUk's scenery with Winding Man's Scenery, VonOben's 7 season scenery, ETO New Environment 2.0 and the WOFF HD Cloud textures. When I release my BoB series, I have a list of downloads you may be looking for


Hello Chris,

Are you making a new theatre? I am way behind on what people are making these days, but I will certainly have a look at what you produce.

Cheers MarkL
Hello Mark,

Not exactly. I'm using era 2 of ETO 1.50 to recreate the Battle of Britain in it's entirety for both sides.

I'm using the default mission builder as well as a whole bunch of things I've learned here on the forums.

If you want, I'd be more than happy to include you in the Beta. Just as a heads-up, there's many downloads needed for it.

I will be converting them over to CFS3 BoB in the future
Hello Mark,

Not exactly. I'm using era 2 of ETO 1.50 to recreate the Battle of Britain in it's entirety for both sides.

I'm using the default mission builder as well as a whole bunch of things I've learned here on the forums.

If you want, I'd be more than happy to include you in the Beta. Just as a heads-up, there's many downloads needed for it.

I will be converting them over to CFS3 BoB in the future

I wish I had the time, but it being the last year of my daughters schooling it will be a very busy year only leaving me a little time for gameing, but I will have to drop by the forum a bit more often to keep an eye on projects like yours.

Are you going to bundle all the required files when complete? It can be hard finding all the correct aircraft sometimes.

Regards MarkL