Best joystick for fs9?


Charter Member
I've been using a Logitech Extreme 3d Pro for the last seven years and have been pretty happy with it. Now the buttons don't work and it looks like it's time for a new one. So I'm wondering what is the best moderately priced joystick nowadays. Thanks for any help.
I use a Saitek X-52 Pro for my FS9 machine... For FSX on the more powerful machine, I have an older Thrustmaster F-16 "H.O.T.A.S." It's about 5 years old but still works just fine. I reckon the Thrustmaster would work for FS9 too.

A less pricey venture would be the Saitek X-52. Just depends on how far you want to take the sim experience, I reckon.

After further tests I find that the problem isn't my joystick. It's something with fs9. I just reinstalled and now the buttons don't work. The joystick including the hat and throttle work fine. But the buttons don't. Very weird.
After further tests I find that the problem isn't my joystick. It's something with fs9. I just reinstalled and now the buttons don't work. The joystick including the hat and throttle work fine. But the buttons don't. Very weird.

I know. I'll blame it on one of the cats. Somehow.
Best Joy

I have had my MS Sidewinder Precision 2 (never had a force feedback-can't vouch for that type) for more than 10 years and it still works like new. XP recognizes it, so no drivers needed. I did not install any 'profiles' fot it. You (I) would be asking for trouble if I did-avoid profiles). What I have done is to get a USB 10 keypad (Targus brand) and use it for throttle control. I assigned key 6=F1 (cut), key 3=F2 (reduce), Key 9=F3 (increase) and key '*'=F4 (full) plus other keys=other controls such as spoiler ('-'), panel view (2), locked spot view (8), tailhook ('+'), pitch trim (1 & 7), folding wing ('\'), etc. THEN I jamed the throttle control on joy, and centered it ('zero' pos) when I did the XP calibration on the joy. Happy camper here. This joy is no longer sold by MS, but they can be found at Amazon (Used, Good condition). See pic. I won't buy any other joy, no matter what the price is. Not worth the trouble and headaches. The Sidewinder is the way to go.
Chuck B
PS: Be sure you see the box AS IT IS in the pic, as there are other MS Sidewinder 'types' out there.


  • MS Sidewinder 2_Used_Amazon.jpg
    MS Sidewinder 2_Used_Amazon.jpg
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X-52 pro bought one week after it was released .... still working fine (some wear .. of course) :encouragement:

Have before .. some X-36 and X-52 and got problems after one year of use :frown-new:

My "Cougar" still in his box ... so far :)
I've been running a standard X-52 for several years now and never had a glitch. I love being able to use the two rotaries on the throttle for mix and pitch, plus the linear slider is mapped to the spoilers. There's one button on the throttle that I normally keep mapped to the throttle decrease (F2) for reversing jets and t-props on landing. When I fly Manfred's Connies, I change that to the prop RPM decrease (Ctrl+F2). This means I can land and reverse the props without having to take my hands off of the controls - gotta love that!
Thanks to everybody who wrote.

It looks like the problem is my joystick. All the buttons simply quit working even after an FS9 reinstall. The stick is over seven years old so I decided to get a new one. Paying more than $100 would be too much since I'm also in the middle of a computer upgrade. Anyhow, I ordered a Saited Cyborg F.L.Y. 5 which is the replacement model for X. It looks like a nice stick and hopefully it will give me as much service as my Logitech.
I have had my MS Sidewinder Precision 2 (never had a force feedback-can't vouch for that type) for more than 10 years and it still works like new. XP recognizes it, so no drivers needed. I did not install any 'profiles' fot it. You (I) would be asking for trouble if I did-avoid profiles). What I have done is to get a USB 10 keypad (Targus brand) and use it for throttle control. I assigned key 6=F1 (cut), key 3=F2 (reduce), Key 9=F3 (increase) and key '*'=F4 (full) plus other keys=other controls such as spoiler ('-'), panel view (2), locked spot view (8), tailhook ('+'), pitch trim (1 & 7), folding wing ('\'), etc. THEN I jamed the throttle control on joy, and centered it ('zero' pos) when I did the XP calibration on the joy. Happy camper here. This joy is no longer sold by MS, but they can be found at Amazon (Used, Good condition). See pic. I won't buy any other joy, no matter what the price is. Not worth the trouble and headaches. The Sidewinder is the way to go.
Chuck B
PS: Be sure you see the box AS IT IS in the pic, as there are other MS Sidewinder 'types' out there.

I've been using the original version (not the 2) since 2000. I don't think you can wear one out.