Best King air

Tom Burnside

Charter Member
Hi everyone recently ive grown to like the RAF King Air and I would just like to know what one would people recommend.
As far as freeware is concerned, I'd go with the AFG model. For payware I am currently lusting after the new Carenado C90.
I only have this one that I got over at I don't have anything to compare it to, but it flies pretty good! :p

FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Turboprops FS2004 Beechcraft King Air C90
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Size: 4,059,430 Date: 07-21-2006 Downloads: 1,629


FS2004 Beechcraft King Air C90, version 3. Fully flyable, includes transparent cockpit and panel. Master texture included for repaints. Two texture sets with typical paint schemes are included. This model was built with FSDS version 2.24. New for this version: visual model and textures, no mipmaps; transparent cockpit; improved flight model. Recommended sound set: LM_TURPK.ZIP. Visual Model by Dee Waldron Original AI model by Henry Tomkiewicz. Flight model by Michael Verlin and Steve Small. Panel and textures by Michael Verlin. Wheel textures by Jasper Gregory.

I've had the Aeroworx Super King Air B200 for a while now and it's great.

For freeware the AFG is superb.

I think the AFG B300 is the best freeware King Air available for FS9. If you want more realism, the Aeroworx B-200 is the king.