Best Laid Plans....


Staff member
The Plan: FS has been running some pretty horrendous framerates lately and the install was ancient. So I figured to just do a new install with the concentration on multiplayer. The idea was to only put in the aircraft that I fly or am likely to fly (should cut out about 3/4 of the hanger), the mesh and about half the scenery. Seemed simple enough and I could build on it later if I wanted to.

What has actually happened: Got the new install in and it looked good until I hit the "Fly Now" button. Went to a black screen and then wanted to phone home to MS while crashing to desk top. After messing about with it for a bit, I realized that I'd left the old FS9.cfg file in. Figured it couldn't hurt so I renamed the file and restarted. This time it worked and I went about setting things up like I like them and changing the default flight to the one I usually use. Restarted and flew around a bit a few times and figured it was time to get to work installing stuff as it appeared that everything was working great. Put in the aircraft with their gauges and effects files, tested again and everything seemed fine. Added the mesh and did the installation thru the settings menu as we're supposed to do. Went to test fly and now it's back to going black screen and phoning home. Got to poking around and the scenery.cfg isn't showing the new additions. On startup it did show the usual adding scenery boxes.

At this point I'm throughly confused. Any ideas?
... The idea was to only put in the aircraft that I fly or am likely to fly (should cut out about 3/4 of the hanger), the mesh and about half the scenery. Seemed simple enough and I could build on it later if I wanted to. ...

Do you mean the new install has half the default scenery, or the default + half what you usually add on? Might it be looking for some scenery it "expects" and crashing when it can't find it?
Add on scenery. Some of the Cal Classic stuff is death on frame rates. I just hate trying to land at 2fps.
My usual trick with FS2004 re-installs was forgetting to apply the FS9.1 patch (about three times out of five, I think ):banghead:

Where did you put the install? The default is to put the program into the protected folders, which can play havoc with config files that need to be edited by the program. Put it in a new folder on the C: root to avoid that.
Willy- My guess is that you have some stray old FS9 bits in the registry or possibly a random left over FS folder with a dll or cfg somewhere that didn't get cleaned out prior to your fresh install. Hope you get it sorted.
Great ideas all. I did get it back to working, but have no idea exactly what it was I did other than generate a new fs9.cfg file for the 3rd time. Figure I'll try it again in the morning and see what it's doing then.
I've done twp new installs with the same results. Then I remembered a copy of an older install on a external HD. I copied it toy FS drive it appears to be working. Hopefully this will have going

darn iPhone