Best Mesh?


Jr. Admin
There's been a lot of ink spilled on this subject, but I haven't seen much lately. It would be interesting to hear about what's new or improved and now available.

I'm in the process of re-installing my FS 9. It's been a slow process as I restructure it to represent the skies of 1960 or so with a lot of the Calclassics' scenery and AI. I'm now at the point of installing mesh for the world. In the past I've used both Taburet's mesh as well as Rothlisberger's mesh.

Anyone using anything different or have any suggestions? I've been considering using the world mesh by Rhumbaflappy, but I'd like to have as much terrain detail as possible and much of that is LOD 5 and 7.
Rhumba has LOD8 mesh for the Pacific and Europe (parts of the world were WW2 took place basically....Northern Africa, Europe, into Russia). The FSGenesis LOD9 or 10 mesh on as freeware is great for the entire US (not Hawaii or Alaska though). Meshman (I think that is the name he uploaded it under) has a beautiful LOD10 Hawaii mesh here in the library (check out the Making FS9 Look Great for Free thread up in the Tips and Tweaks subforum....he posted there).

Ive downloaded and installed some of Rumbas Lod8 mesh for parts of China, Korea and Vietnam, and im seriously impressed, its as good as my payware FS Terrain if not better, finding the right part of the world can be tricky, he used to have a site with a map you could click on but it seems to have gone, but if you have the time, space and good connection, download the whole set :mixedsmi: , im sure you'll like it.
cheers ian
I use FSGenesis (payware) and am happy with it. The parts of the world in which I fly is mostly LOD 11 which is as good as it gets for FS9.