Best Payware Addons For FS9?



Besides aircraft......I have lota of them still lurking around...But I may buy a few if there some good ones out...I like GA and twin tubes ,and sound packs are important.....

I have all Lionhearts except a couple I think...They will be first ..But I'm open..

How about mesh? Whats good?

Anything out like GEX is for FSX?

How about something to get rid of the leopard spots?

Any ideas will be greatly accepted...

Thanks....I have tons of stuff that I need to find installer keys to for..It will take a few days to sort it all out...
These are on the top of my list:

AlphaSim's F-105 Thunderchief -- By far, their best work for FS9
Captain Sim Legendary F-104 Starfighter -- An oldie but a goodie.
Australian Simulation's Glassair III for FS9 -- (prolly spelled wrong)
IRIS Simulations PC-9, EAP, F-15E
AerialFoundry F-18 Hornets -- (ALL)
Plane Design's Spit MkXVI
RealAir Spitfire XIV
Cloud 9 F-4 Phantom
Aeroplane Heaven Corsair's -- (Later models for me)
Donationware F-100 Super Sabre.

That's just a few that I have that come to mind, I'm sure there are alot more.

Thanks BlackBird686.......I like the Corsair a lot.......:applause::applause:

Not so much into fighters ATM.......
These are on the top of my list:

Aeroplane Heaven Corsair's -- (Later models for me)
Donationware F-100 Super Sabre.


I will expand that list to All of the Donationware aircraft for FS9.

They are great

Also hands down our own Lionhearts Creations has the best payware.

Bill has a great eye for detail in everthing I have bought.

I would make the FS9 Donationware my first stop and Lionhearts Creations the second.

After that any other payware aircraft is fine.


You sound like me, my wife & kids have gone over seas for a couple of months. Apart from been made to paint the house. Lost of time for flying.

For me, the Carenado GA would no. 1 choice. If you want good visual & sounding planes, there the ones. I have the complete collection, & can’t wait for the C172 release
Early 2009.

The only problem I have now is which one to fly. :banghead:

The on disappointment I think would be that they may only release future GA for FSX only. & I hope they don’t. :redf:

Anyway merry Xmas & happy new to you. :ernae: :friday:

Thanks Matt G
The Best Payware Addon For FS9... Digital Aviation's Dornier DO-27!! Without question the best GA plane available :applause:

I'll vote for some others, keeping myself neutral.

* Carenado's Cessna Skylane 182 SP II
* Mike CYUL's Me-262 (graphics are incredible, and VC is brilliant)
* O. Fischers Bucker Jungmann Bu-131
* Miltons Fleet of awesome, detailed birds
* The freeware Lockheed Constellation (with 4 engine config file :d ).

Some more.. So many to choose from.. So many great planes.

MAAM-SIM DC-3 series and TBM/TBF package
Warbirdsim P-51s
AH P-38s
FR Bf-109s
A2A Spitfire and Bf-109s
Golden Age WACO F series
and of course, much wonderful freeware, but you asked for payware recommendations...
those are my favorites. the other obvious ones like Lionhearts work and Carenados work have already been mentioned!
Ultimate Terrain - anywhere

Active Sky 6.5

Ground Environment Pro

FSGenesis (payware) and Holgar Sandmann (free) mesh

Real Environment Pro (free)

Thanks Cazzie...just what I was hunting ...

I have Real Enviro Pro Downloaded...

But it was Ground Environment Pro I was after ....YEA Looks much better han default and comparable to GEX in FSX I think

Ultimate Terrain looks good too........Is it the same as GEPro or do they work together like GEX and UTX in FSX?

I have AS6.5

Oh...I have points saved at FSGenesis towards the purchase of USA mesh......I'll be getting that now.....

Thanks a bunch....:ernae::ernae:
MAAM-SIM DC-3 series and TBM/TBF package
Warbirdsim P-51s
AH P-38s
FR Bf-109s
A2A Spitfire and Bf-109s
Golden Age WACO F series
and of course, much wonderful freeware, but you asked for payware recommendations...
those are my favorites. the other obvious ones like Lionhearts work and Carenados work have already been mentioned!

All excellent choices. I'd add RealAir Spit, MAAM B-25, ANYTHING from SkyUnlimited, AH Spits/Corsiars..........God the list is almost endless!
i'll add Aeroworx's King Air B200 to this list. Probably my favorite aircraft. It's the PMDG of GAs as far as system simulations go...

Thanks Cazzie...just what I was hunting ...

I have Real Enviro Pro Downloaded...

But it was Ground Environment Pro I was after ....YEA Looks much better han default and comparable to GEX in FSX I think

Ultimate Terrain looks good too........Is it the same as GEPro or do they work together like GEX and UTX in FSX?

I have AS6.5

Oh...I have points saved at FSGenesis towards the purchase of USA mesh......I'll be getting that now.....

Thanks a bunch....:ernae::ernae:

GE Pro + UT/USA-Canada-Europe + REP (for Feng's Trees especially) + Active Sky 6.5 + FSGenesis and Holgar Sandmann mesh = Heaven on Earth! :engel016:

Looks great Cazzie....

Why both mesh's? FSGenesis and Holgar Sandmann mesh

I know where Genesis mesh is as I'm a customer,but where do you find Holgers mesh?

Try VOZ, it's free and brilliant.
I'll add my vote for any and all of Carenado's GA fleet, along with Lionheart's Bellancas, ALL of them.
Tubeliners, PMDG B737 and 747, CS B707 and 727 are among the best IMHO.
And for a touch of nostalgia, the AH Bristol Bulldog and the GAC Waco are great.